But but but I voted for them why are they taking my healthcare away

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I don’t really care, do you?

I’m happy to see that the idiots who voted for trump are getting exactly what they voted for. I’m sorry that the other firefighters have to pay the price of theirs brother’s selfishness.

Don’t worry they will get their concepts of a plan at some point!

It was 24 years ago …shouldn’t they all be better by now /s

Enjoy your vote.. You were the uneducated he loved.

Concept of thoughts and prayers

Didn’t the Republicans previously vote to strip/deny benefits back when Trump was president?

I like how union guys in NYC got amnesia about how much a fuck Trump is.


Get fucked. Get so very, very fucked. Every last one of you.

Why would they give you money when you’re sick they can only use you when you’re well…

Hope there’s a vote soon among those unions to change the leadership that led them to this moment.

But in the meantime – you get what you fucking deserve

These people don’t deserve healthcare.

I hope they’re enjoying the consequences of the president they were DESPERATE to elect.

I mean, didn’t they have to turn to Jon Stewart to shove it in the faces of republicans, namely Mitch McConnell? And, they still went back to supporting the same dipshits that would rather they die of all kinds of diseases, post-9/11.

As a fellow firefighter, I really want to give a shout out to these fellas:

“Fuck yourselves you rapist supporting grubs. Get what you voted for”

Just an fyi. I have never worked in a fire station that supports Donald and I’ve been doing this for over 17 years. Most firefighters have worked very closely with victims of the same sexual abuse that Donald has taken part in. It’s sick that this man is in the position he is.


So anyway, who wants pancakes for breakfast?

Just wait til they start gutting OSHA and we have monthly reenactments of the Triangle Shirtwaist factory. That’ll keep ‘em too busy to complain.

*Alien Covenant David noises*

Yes!! Finally some sort of a consequence. I’ve met enough racist in my life to know them by the excuses they use to vote Republican.

You mean the guy that lies all the time lied? This is why character matters. People are so fucking stupid. Zero sympathy.

I remember watching Jon Stewart rally and fight so hard for them.

How incredibly disappointing to see the same union sabotage themselves.

Healthcare is for the beta soy woke! Eat bone broth and colloidal Silver and you’ll be fine!

I’m having concepts of giving a fuck.


Hate to see that for these guys but they in fact voted for it so I’m not sure why they’re upset now.

The fun has just begun.

Haven’t Republicans repeatedly voted to defund 9/11 healthcare bills for **years** now?

This feels like voting for a mudslide and then getting mad that the roads and bridges have been swept away.

Some of us tried to vote to prevent this from happening. It wasn’t enough and now Trump voters are getting exactly what they voted for.

Their likely thoughts are “he’s not hurting the right people”. Remember the Twitter account “Trump Regrets” back when he first became president in his first term? A lot of the pissed off people that regretted voting for him were pissed because he didn’t hurt the “right people”. Many commented they regretted voting for him because Hillary Clinton wasn’t locked up!

If it had been Trump vs Jon Stewart, they’d still vote Trump despite everything Stewart did for them. It’s a personality cult.


No offense but zero f**ks given

You know what’s truly crazy about this, though? These people (and others like them, who voted like them) will learn NOTHING. Next cycle, we’ll hear them say “yeah we may have made a mistake with Trump, but (insert other Republican here) is different and will make things better!” And the leopards will continue to feast.

I love that for them.

“Because fuck you, that’s why.”

Sorry no government pork for you. Boo hoo hoo.

You are getting exactly what you voted for. So, shut the fuck up about it.


Fuck em

Hahaha! Enjoy!

I’d really like to care, BUT…🤷‍♂️

Didn’t John Stewart work hard to get these guys their funding?

They decided that the culture war was more important than their life interests.

There’s a couple things to keep in mind here:

1. Fuck the folks who supported Trump and have to face the consequences.

2. But, remember that there are lots of union members who didn’t support Trump, and now have to face the same shit as those who did.

Remember that overdone poem? “First, they came for the trade unionists…”? Yeah, as funny as it is to see Trump supporters get what they voted for, the rest of us are going to suffer, too.

Unless we stand up and stop them.

Just like after 2016, we’ll have to do lots of protesting, lots of talking to people, and lots of mind-changing. Oh, and lots of voting. Forget 2028 – in just fifteen days, three special elections in Virginia could give Republicans control of that state, and they’re already drooling over book-burning lists and abortion bans. Even if you think Trump supporters deserve it, 2.3 million Virginians who voted for Harris absolutely don’t.

So get ready to resist, because the leopards aren’t just gonna eat the Trump supporters’ faces. Check out r/VoteDEM and get informed, because we’ve got to drag everyone back from the brink. Again.

Concepts of: Not. Giving. A. Single. Shitt!

You lie down with liars…….no lube for YOU!

Schadenfreude is my HAPPY PLACE NOW!

Maybe they could ask the nypd to start paying for lawsuits and victim settlements out of the nypd’s budget and use those multiple millions of taxpayer dollars to pay for it.

Any time you see them complain, just tell them “you voted for this, remember?”

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