BuT i DiDn’T kNoW oBaMaCaRe WoUlD bE aFfEcTeD!!!

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Don’t care. You were excited about the racism, now deal with the consequences.

Edit: when I say I don’t care, that refers to the idiots who voted for him. For those of you who are losing coverage because of these idiots, you have my deepest sympathies. It sucks that so many have to suffer because some morons decided that trans people are really really scary.

You need a heart to begin with to be heart broken.

Natural selection at its best. At least they’ll get the darwin award.

Better have a concept of a plan at the ready on how to get private insurance!

Trump’s antics are a known commodity. They were happy with Trump’s win because a) he had very little follow through in his first term, and b) a lot of his worst ideas were contained by more experienced adults (who mostly endorsed Harris).

But now the Trump faction has largely taken over the Republican Party and there are only grifters and sycophants left to advise him.

That fact was dismissed as fear mongering 6 weeks ago, but now it’s being reframed as buyer’s remorse.

The thought of some super low income Type 2 diabetic moron in Pennsylvania voting for Trump because he actually believed stuff like “litter boxes in schools” is some high potency karmic justice 😄

1. Trump voters voted for Trump while not knowing that ACA/Obamacare would be affected.
2. Voting for Trump has the consequences of him repealing the ACA/Obamacare, similar to the failed attempt in 2017.
3. As a consequence of voting for Trump thinking ACA/Obamacare would not be affected, they must try living without their life-saving ACA/Obamacare.

Oh well. Who would have thought that voting against your self interests would have consequences. Morons.

Guys it’s ok. He’s only getting rid of Obamacare. The ACA is safe 👀

People who vote to fuck over other people get fucked. That’s one thing I won’t give a crap about.


This happened 8 years ago as well. The *exact* ***same*** *thing*!! The GOP said “we’ll abolish Obamacare”, Trump said “I have a beautiful plan”, the fucker got elected and there was no plan. The GOP moved to abolish Obamacare and *then* all these dipshits found that they meant the ACA. They had town halls about it! The GOP voters came out in droves to beg them to please not remove their healthcare!

And then it was only stopped by one vote? Iirc?

I just… this was not that long ago. How do these people not remember that they already went down this road? The exact same road!

I can’t… It break my brain

Next Lesson: Natural Selection 

Too fucking bad. You didn’t bother to ask questions or do any research; you voted for him because he promised to hurt people you didn’t like. Karma’s a bitch.

Gee why didn’t anyone say something!? 🙄

They knew what they were voting for.

I can no longer have sympathy for them.

How does it go again? Fuck your feelings?

Repealing the ACA will also drive up premiums for insurance across the board, not just eliminate ACA marketplace plans. People seem to forget that the ACA requires insurers to pay for preventative visits and bans insurers from excluding preexisting conditions. Even those with plans through their employer or private plans are going to see huge jumps in premiums.

The advantage the GOP has by having some of the dumbest fucks that have ever wasted earth’s oxygen as their voting base is on display again.

I have a concept of a plan. Let’s stop the inefficient postal delivery to rural areas. And let’s make sure we don’t give them insurance options, and let’s let their hospitals close. Win Win Win!

He literally tried this last time. They should’ve paid attention.

“The People have spoken … and they must be punished.”

“He was only supposed to take life saving care from others”

**Before the election**

NORMAL PERSON: “You know he’s going to try to end Obamacare, right? Aren’t you using it for your insurance?”
NORMAL PERSON: “I mean seriously, Obamacare paid for that life-saving surgery last year, didn’t it?”
TRUMP VOTER: “I can’t hear you! La-la-la-la-la!”
NORMAL PERSON: “This is like that meme with the guy on the bike who shoves a stick between his front wheel spokes, man. Do you even know how you’re paying for your own health care?”
TRUMP VOTER: “I said, I CAN’T HEAR YOU!” [shoves fingers firmly in ears]
NORMAL PERSON: “What the hell is wrong with you?”

**After the election**

MAGA VOTER: “You mean he was talking about ***my*** healthcare? Why didn’t you tell me?!?”
NORMAL PERSON: [Just laughs cynically and shares a pic of a leopard]

heres hoping all the idiots will die off from having voted against their own healthcare

And RFK 2.0 is gonna ban vaccines, so double the leopards

The real Low Information Voters

MmmmmmUhhhy eGGzsss durrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrp

Nope, you gotta own it. Well, ‘it’ being the Libs. So if you gotta die to own the Libs, well, then….Trump will appreciate your sacrifice. (ps no, he won’t)

“LET THEM DIE!” – James T. Kirk

Sure showed the two trans girls in high school sports in your state, though!

“Fuck ’em.”

I’ve reached that point. How about you?

Some people can learn not to touch the hot stove only after an educational 3-rd degree burn. Yet those same people have the audacity to get offended when being called dumb mofos.

They can take ObamaCare, so long as they don’t touch the ACA I’m fine. /s

Dying to own the libs.

“You voted for this”

Consequences just showed up unexpected for dinner.


Even if they knew, they would have still voted for him. Nothing trumps racism for this people, not even their best interests.

Even the minorities. Some of them think they are the good ones, like they’ve achieved the next “level up”.

Republicans 2011: Our biggest, most important goal is to repeal Obamacare!

Republicans 2012: Our biggest, most important goal is to repeal Obamacare!

Republicans 2013: Our biggest, most important goal is to repeal Obamacare!

Republicans 2014: Our biggest, most important goal is to repeal Obamacare!

Republicans 2015: Our biggest, most important goal is to repeal Obamacare!

Republicans 2016: Our biggest, most important goal is to repeal Obamacare!

Republicans 2017: Our biggest, most important goal is to repeal Obamacare!

Republicans 2018: Our biggest, most important goal is to repeal Obamacare!

Republicans 2018: Our biggest, most important goal is to repeal Obamacare!

Republicans 2019: Our biggest, most important goal is to repeal Obamacare!

Republicans 2020: Our biggest, most important goal is to repeal Obamacare!

Republicans 2021: Our biggest, most important goal is to repeal Obamacare!

Republicans 2022: Our biggest, most important goal is to repeal Obamacare!

Republicans 2023: Our biggest, most important goal is to repeal Obamacare!

Republicans 2024: Our biggest, most important goal is to repeal Obamacare!


Republican voters 2025: OH MY GOD!!!! I didn’t know they wanted to repeal Obamacare!!!!

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