But they’re ethical?

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Blue cross blue shield denied my life saving treatment. I had to file paperwork with the pharmaceutical company, and they approved my treatment at no cost to me. Fuck BCBS. For Reddit’s sake I’ll say that I don’t wish harm on anyone. But if they never receive another good nights sleep it’ll put a smile on my face.

I bet some rich people are already investing in private escape getaways that they can scurry off to when they get good and scared of all the people they’re screwing

Makes me wonder if any other CEOs had received threats as well.

Y’all know why they did that.

They’re SCARED!

Europe scared itself into being nice. Now we have to.

Their current ceo used to be an executive at united healthcare

How long until we see some bill about not being required to disclose identity and salary information of top executives?

what about [https://www.linkedin.com/company/blue-cross-and-blue-shield-association](https://www.linkedin.com/company/blue-cross-and-blue-shield-association)

Imagine being so evil you know that if evil people are being taken out, you are on the list.

I was literally told that it would have been better if I didn’t have health insurance (BCBS) because the hospital would have been able to help me out financially with meds and such that BCBS refused to pay for. And this was about 15 years ago. Fuck them. Leadership needs to go too.

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Y’all need to see this bullshit. They didn’t give a FUCK until UHC CEO found out!! 😡

## Timeline of Events for Anthem Blue Cross Blue Shield Policy Reversal

This timeline provides a comprehensive view of the events that transpired from the initial policy announcement to its eventual reversal, highlighting the responses from medical professionals, lawmakers, and the public that led to Anthem’s decision to cancel the planned policy change.

**Early November 2024:**
Anthem Blue Cross Blue Shield publishes the new anesthesia coverage policy on its website.

**November 14, 2024:**
The American Society of Anesthesiologists (ASA) issues a statement strongly opposing Anthem’s new policy, calling it a “cynical money grab” and urging Anthem to reverse it immediately [4].

**Mid-November 2024:**
The ASA releases another statement calling on Anthem to reverse the proposal immediately, describing it as an “unprecedented move” [3].

**November 20, 2024:**
Senator Jeff Gordon, R-Woodstock, a practicing physician, writes to Anthem inquiring about the motivation behind the policy [5].

**December 1, 2024:**
Anthem’s New York unit posts a notice about the policy change on its website [1][6].

**December 4, 2024 (Wednesday morning):**

**December 4, 2024 (Wednesday evening):**
U.S. Sen. Chris Murphy, D-Conn., criticizes the policy on social media platform X (formerly Twitter), calling it “appalling” [5][6].

**December 5, 2024:**
– Connecticut Comptroller Sean Scanlon announces that the policy will not be implemented in Connecticut [1][5].
– New York Governor Kathy Hochul announces that Anthem will reverse the policy in New York [1][2].
– Anthem Blue Cross Blue Shield officially announces the reversal of the policy for all affected states (Connecticut, New York, and Missouri) [1][2][6][7].

### Sources

[1] Anthem plans to put time limits on anesthesia coverage, alarming doctors and patients

[2] Anthem Blue Cross Blue Shield to reverse plan to cap anesthesia

[3] Blue Cross Blue Shield will begin limiting anesthesia coverage in some states

[4] Anthem Blue Cross Blue Shield Won’t Pay for the Complete Duration

[5] Amid fury, Anthem reverses plan to limit anesthesia coverage in CT

[6] Anthem Blue Cross says it’s reversing a policy to limit anesthesia coverage

[7] Insurance company halts plan to put time limits on coverage for anesthesia during surgery

Why, what are they worried about?

I have a family history of diabetes and my A1C measured in the prediabetic range, so my doctor prescribed me Trulicity to help. After a couple months, Anthem BCBS changed their mind about coverage.

I know Trulicity, like Ozempic, is a more complicated issue than a lot of other commenters struggles here, but the denial still hurt. I wonder how much healthier I would be now if they let me have it. Blood sugar aside, it felt like I had control over my eating for the first time in my life. The cravings and self hatred disappeared.

Then they came back.


They are cowards. Willing to risk someone else’s life but not their own miserable little hides

It would be wild should this be the domino to fall that created change. But i know better, I’m just saying it would be wild.

Does anyone know where I send my resume? I heard they have an opening /s

A mentor of mine had their *necessary* heart surgery denied by UHC a few years ago and they had to fight HARD to get it approved. I don’t advocate for violence but I can entirely understand how we got to this point. America’s healthcare system is barbaric.

They’re the only provider in the market place in Alaska and they are horrible. I don’t use it often, but my wife has issues that require multiple doctor visits a year. They’ve denied or hassled her over a lot of procedures and preventative tests. Only thing they seem spot on with is prescription meds.

They’re scared shitless that they’ll be next. Good.

There is a reason they stopped focusing on the social contract in schools.

The day after the election I saw a very visibly upset black dude shirtless in the street, he sized up on a public trashcan and kicked it into the street while yelling:


While I don’t exactly condone the exact actions, I get it.

Unlike that trashcan, the CEO was directly at fault for fucking up the lives of millions of people. How many pissed off Russian peasants kicked trashcans because the Tsar was such a tremendous piece of shit until eventually they were fucking DONE WITH THE BULLSHIT and stormed the Winter Palace. Was that the wisest thing considering what happened later, I don’t know.

But people are angry and desperate CEOs have done a lot of fucking around, do they really want to find out?

Look, I’m an educated professional, this current system benefits me somewhat but it’s obviously all fucking bullshit and I hope the elite class understand this.

Are they scared or something?

If they did nothing wrong why are they worried? /s

“Should we stop engaging in business practices that make people cheer for our deaths?”

“Nah, let’s just hide from them.” 

I’m looking forward to contributing to the hero’s legal defense Go Fund Me page if they get caught which I hope they don’t.

Can capitalism survive without the stock market? That’s a sincere question cuz I really don’t know and believe the stock market is the root of all evil. As long as there are “investors”, a company will never put its people or customers, first. It’s always the stockholders that are put first.

We still have LinkedIn!

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