By a true professional

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Keeps doing this for 50 years and bears in the area evolve into tophat and monocle wearing food critics

Me eating all 3 at the same time

I want to see him replace it 3 bowls of porridge and then we’re in business.

There is not just one bear there, there are many, and they all start with Anzer honey.

And sad news, the man who made bears try honey passed away a few years ago.

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Conventional wisdom tells us we should never leave food out for bears or else they’ll learn to approach without fear and can become aggressive.

Those bees will be in trouble

That’s some making lemonade shit!

Studies show 3 out of 4 bears prefer Our-Brand honey

looks like this bear likes the middle plate of honey

Does good for bear mean good for man?

Oh bother

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Turning a problem into a profession—respect.

This would be *excellent* marketing! It really draws attention and it’s a perfect conversation piece during in-person sales, billboards, or even as footage in advertising commercials if the camera is good enough!

So where is the video of the aftermath?

That’s a creative solution.

This man has powers beyond mortal comprehension and we should beware his furry armada.

Freaking Whinnie the Pooh stealing his honey and he’s just like, sure

Iirc, the test was actually successful, as the bears went to one type of honey in particular over the others.

As a bear 🐻 i don’t mind

I assume the bear would just eat all 3

Smarter than your average bear.

“Honey Chad tames bear without using violence”

Soon, they can taste honey and rate movies


I mean, they turned an issue into a interesting business strategy… If that’s the right wording for it

Ole’ Slew Foot is at it again

Fyi Anzer (Centauri) honey is the most expensive honey in the world. That Turkish bear knows exactly what he’s doing lol



Ahhh that Anzer honey is one of the best in the world. Top notch product! He knows his taste!

The truest addage: “Dont find solutions to your problems, turn your problems into solutions.”

No, I’m telling you, this salmon infused honey is gonna set the world on fire.

All the bears can’t be wrong.

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