Cake means birthday!

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Lol! I’d love to hear that discussion!

Eventually he’ll learn from Julia Child: “A party without a cake is a meeting.”

When I was like 4, and my dad came home, I was cheering “we are having a birthday party! We are having a birthday party!”

My dad asked “Who’s birthday?” And I said “I don’t know! But mom made a cake!”

She just randomly baked that day!

My god why would you want to teach them you can just get cake whenever? Then you have to deal with them asking for cake all the time!

Welcome to Costco…Happy Birthday

This reminds me of my younger bro when he was four and we bought a cake for mothers day, and well he thought it was my mum’s birthday since we bought a cake and it was mothers day LOL

The cake is a lie.

Missed an opportunity to tell toddler it’s “Bob’s birthday”

Toddler: Who’s Bob?

Mom: What do you mean? Bob, the man who lives under you bedroom.

Toddler: Nu, uh.

Mom: Wait, so you’ve never met Bob? Do you not SEE Bob? He’s standing in the corner over there right now.

Toddler: There’s no one there.

Mom: Oh my god! You can’t see Bob???

This is, without question, my favorite post I have seen on Reddit all day long. Everything about this warmed my heart. Thank you for posting this!

When I was 3, my parents brought me to Disney World. While I was there, I really wanted this one birthday hat (it was not my birthday), and after about 10 minutes of arguing with me, they eventually just backed down and bought it.

My toddler frequently will declare โ€œthatโ€™s my birthday!!โ€ At things likeโ€ฆa tree.

Waitโ€ฆ we can just buy a cake for no reason?

I hesitate to say this, as it might come back to haunt me someday, but my niece has a remarkable ability to be understanding of things she doesnโ€™t fully grasp or agree with. I can’t recall a single time I had to pretend to agree with something silly she said just to keep the peace. However, I would not just agree with her anyways, if she is wrong, she is wrong.

Happy birthday

I solved this particular problem by playing the Very Merry Unbirthday Song part from Alice in Wonderland for my then 4 year old…. It worked

I can hear the tone of the kids voice when it was in fact settled that there *was* a birthday. All was right in the world again

Me dealing with customers at work lol

Its a thing, my 5 y.o. grandson has rules that I don’t understand and they change on a daily basis… I can’t keep up.


Rip didalipdipdipdip itโ€™s your birthday.

You can?!

Cake means u stole that shit from a dumpster in my workd

When we were older kids our family would occasionally pick up a cake just because. We would always have them write โ€œHappy Birthday Stellaโ€ (my older sisterโ€™s nickname) on it. (because more frosting!). So we would always just comment/ask about it being Stellaโ€™s birthday again every time a cake was in the fridge.

Happy Birthday!

I did something like this when I was a kid.

I associate food with certain things, and I just happen to only cake during birthdays or special occasions. Certain types of cake at least. Whatever the “typical” birthday cake is.

How autistic of the child xd

Mmmm Costco cake. It freezes beautifully too!

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