Calin Georgescu, Romania’s surprise TikTok primaries winner emulates Putin’s propaganda videos

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Emulates? That’s copyright infringement!

I’ll post here a long list of his looney beliefs

* God has called him to save us
* Cesarean birth tears the divine thread between mom and child
* Proto-romanian language is the mother of latin
* There are nano-chips in soda
* Water is not made out of H2O but of information.
* Climate change is fake. Moon landing is fake.
* Wind turbines don’t produce electricity.
* Christ is the only science
* Romanian national poet is forbidden in schools (he’s studied every grade). He’s also on banknotes.
* [People from Marshall Islands used to live for 200 years until the US nuked them and now they live to 30-40 max.](
* They put stuff in food to control us.
* Enjoys using the word “nigg*r” when speaking english,
* We should nationalize all agricultural land
* Gaza is named after “gas”
* COVID doesn’t exist cause nobody saw it with their own eyes
* He was a president of the [European Research Centre]( for the [Club of Rome](, a freemasonry organization that made the case for a global government.
* He’s anti-globalist. His enemies are the globalists
* Women can’t be president
* Said that the wind doesn’t blow anymore because they cut down the forests
* Cancer doesn’t kill, but chemotherapy does
* Loves romanian fascist criminal movement from the 30’s and 40′. Loves Putin. Friend of Dugin.
* Thinks people shouldn’t have the right to protest.
* He’s proud we’re not in Schengen.
* His government plan is to return to pre-industrial agriculture and isolate like the Amish (he gives them as an example).
* Talks about “the cult of the tractor”.
* 5G is very dangerous, he has a 5G phone but uses wired earpieces so he’s safe
* Thinks we should build a water pipe from Romania to Middle East.
* He said communism=capitalism
* The pyramids have been built for energy but haven’t been used yet.
* Said NATO is the weakest alliance on Earth.
* Says he’s an absolute pacifist but wants mandatory conscription. When asked how absolute pacifism reacts to a Russian invasion he refuses to elaborate.
* Once he tried to convince a TV host that the Ukraine war is not really happening because there are Ukrainian men in Bucharest.
* Water is information but if it’s bottled in a plastic bottle the data is lost.

His wife is just as crazy

This guy is really bizarre. If you read his career history, he has a science background and has held big jobs with the Romanian government and the UN…but then he’s a total conspiracy theorist. I wonder if he always like this or, at some point, he cracked.

There are days of just feels like humanity is de-evolving. We seem to be just getting stupider and stupider, staring at phones, jumping head first into various cults of personality and doing whatever social media trend setters tell us.

Maybe the one thing these people have right is that our best days are probably behind us. Authoritarianism, anti science, anti intellectualism, anti politics and anti democracy, all sorts of anti-minority groups, a long list of -phobias, so many places are just sliding into a complete mess.

If you are voting and you are a romanian living abroad, do not vote for this man.


Can we please flood the internet with AI generated gay porn of them? They seem like a match made in heaven.

Can I copy your homework? Sure just don’t make it obvious. The result:

If other areas of Europe don’t pass laws for social media you’re all gonna end up like the U.S. and Romania. People are just far too dumb to trust.

Looks like what you get if you order putin from wish

“Notice me, senpai!”

Living in Poland I literally see all the pro putin propaganda aimed at Germany because it seems to “travel” through my area. This is exactly it

This whole story looks like china testing its capabilites…

You think Romania would have learnt their lesson?

It’s nice of Romania to step up and make sure the USA doesn’t have to be embarrassed alone

– Mom, can we have Putin?

– No, we have Putin at home.

Putin at home:

If it works, dont fix it?

The boys have found each other. Major broke back mountain vibes.

It ain’t stupid if it works!

Such a shame for us and our history.

Putin’s mini-me found!

Ahh yes, the good times when Putin was just a mildly undemocratic meme.

Putin from Wish…

It’s a cult of personality 

Why is he hugging that karate guy? He’s supposed to throw him down!

Still dont have guts to take his shirt in front of a girl…

Is he a judo master too? There is something with that sport and dictators.

well, russian money doesn’t stink.

Putin at home i guess

Well it’s a script. And it works.

are they about to kiss? in the 3rd pic

Are people actually impressed by this sort of stuff?

I’m real tired of this shit. Can someone not insane actually get in power.

Waiting for Trumps photo shoot

You know who else also rode a horse and enjoyed swimming? **HITLER!!!**

So he is a judo black belt fighting orange belts? Why not fight kids at that point lol

all he needs to do is work the french fry machine

Is it just me, or does anybody else tend to “read” the guys name as George Carlin?

That’s why tiktok should be banned in the EU as well.

He reminds me of that cult leader from gta v for some reason

If this is going further the world will be divided in any time soon… many people fought for Democracy in slavic countries. Then people like him get selected into powerful positions again and they turn to exactly that what people tried to get rid off.

5-10 Years and you have a border in europe which is more or less a warzone between all these “Putin” guys and democratic countries.

The Georgescu swimming in winter video is a fake video, he was swimming in a pool.

Why everybody voting for these crazies all over the world?

Have we gone completely mad??

Social media truly is the downfall of humanity.

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