Came across this

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I completely agree! So let’s make sure that everyone receives a comprehensive sex education, make contraception accessible to everyone including those in poverty, remove laws that prevent abortion clinics from functioning, and make sure that there are resources for women trapped in abusive relationships where they may be forced to have children.

I bet he’s “pro life” and opposes birth control also too.

But I thought these folks wanted us to have as many babies as possible? MAKE UP YOUR MINDS!!

So this person is obviously pro choice.

also, dont fuck this guy

Cough abortion cough

But then why are they pushing removing contraseptives and abortions?

When this MAGA asshat complains about the price of gas for his ridiculous ride, tell him, “If u can’t afford the gas, don’t drive the gulper” shmuck.

And I bet they are “pro life”

So when is he going to schedule his vasectomy then?

Same guy that thinks women who turn him down are lesbians -probably

How far in arrears on child support do you suppose he is?

So, then… If that is this person‘s sentiment, and there are others like them, then I say that THOSE people need to get the hell out of other people‘s lives, out of other people’s bedrooms, and leave those CHOICES up to other people. You don’t get to force pregnancies on women in this country and then turn around and deny them the assistance that they need.

And yes, I already know that abortion is not a form of birth control, so don’t start the lecture and the PowerPoint slides. I’ve heard it all before, so save your breath and save your time.

I’m talking about Those pregnancies that are presenting a danger to the mom and/or the unborn child, those pregnancies that came from gr*pe or inc*st, and ESPECIALLY if the age of the pregnant female is less than 18.

The person or persons with that decal on the back of their vehicle has absolutely every right to feel that way, and to think that way, and to display that sentiment on their vehicle. No doubt… First amendment! However, your thoughts, your feelings, your opinions absolutely do not get to dictate The life choices of people you’ve never met.

so hateful…

And he wonders why women cover their drinks when he walks into the room

And when people agree so they decide not to have children, they get mad at that too.

Goes for them trailer parkers too

These people love advertising that they might have gun stuff in the car, and then they wonder why they get burglarized.

So I bet he is the same group making women have babies!

I’m pretty sure that nobody can throw a stone on that issue. It’s a proven fact that education and public free birth control works.
Seems like there might be some room for both in that pick-em-up truck.

They could’ve saved some words and just said “F* them kids”…

Imagine the mindset that says yes, let me put this on my truck. When I was a defense attorney, one of my jury selection questions was “do you have any stickers on your car? If so, what do they say?”

“If your business can’t survive without tax deductions and/or subsidies, then close your doors”

Brought to you by the same people who are forcing you to have children you don’t want and know that you can’t afford…

SSDI or VA disability pension recipient. Guaranteed

Is this about farm subsidies?

Is that an 8chan symbol incorporated into the Not Your script? If it is, this bumper sticker says alot more than what is actually written out.

Why are conservatives always begging for government handouts? Oh, a hurricane, gimme. Oh, a flood, gimme, why don’t these people build stronger houses and buy their own insurance?

A repug for sure. Wonder if he knows that the cult he supports is trying to do away with contraceptives. Wish we could deport all these rabid asses.
Pretty soon there will be no real government, just fascist dictatorship. Maybe then this ignorant clown will be happy. Hope this ass can do without his ss, Medicare, and doesn’t care there are no protections against disease, corruption, climate change, pollution, and all other things the GOVERNMENT provides but will disappear under the lunatic moron.

Wonder if this person also votes for the party that takes away reproductive rights from women…

This guys actually just based

That’s RICH considering their new leader is a declared Rapist, adulterer, associated with a famous accused child molester and who paid off a Porn Star and didn’t bother to wear a raincoat and owes millions in a Civil Judgment for it. The moral fiber is running pretty damn shallow these days.

As the payment on that truck takes up about 40% of this individual’s income

lol don’t block out the plate…

To some extent, I don’t disagree.

“Why aren’t people having as many kids as they used to?”

dude probably also wants to enforce conditions on pregnancies, & how you raise your child.
It’s not about caring for children, it’s about controlling anyone who has them.

This is a great solution to everything.

Can’t solve your problems? Then don’t have problems!

The quintessential far right’s black and white perspective on everything.

Yet I guarantee this guy cries about gas prices being too high to feed his family, every, single, day.

Edit: with Oakleys on non the less

Says the same person who benefits from other gvt subsidies.

So surely this person supports comprehensive sex education in schools, free contraception, and abortion rights?????

So why don’t the trailer parks listen to this

These same people get mad when I tell them we’re actively not trying to have children because they’re expensive AF and belittle us for not reproducing. Like…you can’t have it both ways.

I’m betting this guy is a dead beat Dad.

Ok well don’t ban contraception and services that can help women not raise kids they don’t want.

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