Can I get a hello from every HOI4 state in the vanilla game? (Hello from West Virginia!)

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I suppose I‘ll kick it off.

Hello From Upper Austria 👋

Hello from Liechtenstein (not a state but its a victory point so surely)

Hello from middle serbia

Hello from Baden in Southern Germany!

hello from suseex

helo from STATE_69 (Northern Sudeteland)

I want to see how many hello’s from the different vanilla HOI4 states I can get to see how diverse our community really is!

Hello from Aleppo (yes I actually live in Aleppo)

Servus from Vienna in lower Austria

Hello from West Pomerania

Tell your neighbor we’re keeping the flag from Minnesota.

hello from antalya turkey

Hey from Victoria, Australia

Good luck on getting one’s from Kamchatka or Nauru.

Anyway, hello from Bohemia

Georgia (USA)

Hello from Saxony 👋🏻

Hello from Texas

hello from southern ontario

Greetings from Alberta

Hello from Wisconsin!

Hi from Rio de Janeiro, Brazil!

Just a PS, once I have commented on your post, you have been added! Will show the updated map tomorrow!

Hello from Illinois! 👋
Also if we can choose the color, can I choose neon green please?

Hello from Washington State!

Hello from Cundinamarca

Hello from Uusimaa

Hello from “Kraków”

hello from california 🐻

Greeting from Maryland!

Hello from Northern Ontario!

Hello from Vancouver Island, Canada!

Hello from Surigao del Norte, Philippines

Hello from Pennsylvania

hello from Rostov, Russia 🙂

yorkshire gang rise up and say ello

Hello from Puglia!

Hello from Rhineland

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