Can someone explain??

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No, watch Die Hard

The other comments are right, it’s a Die Hard reference, but the odd line breaks make it also read like a (not great) play on the poem “This is Just to Say” by William Carlos Williams

This is Just to Say:

I have eaten
the plums
that were in
the icebox

and which
you were probably
for breakfast

Forgive me
they were delicious
so sweet
and so cold

Edit to add: The reference helps get across that OP is apologizing for their actions, but not actually too sorry that it happened

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You gotta fill that Bruce Willis shaped hole in your film knowledge, bruh.

It’s a die hard reference, the jokes better if you watch the movie. It’s a great Christmas movie…. That’s right I said it. It’s a Christmas movie!

Most importantly, this is a Die Hard reference done in the style of the poem “This Is Just To Say” by William Carlos Williams

“Yippee-kay-ey, mothaf#cka!”

*- John McClane, Die Hard*

Yippie kayak, other truckers…

The phrase comes from Die Hard

“Mister Falcon”

Mr. Falcon.

A new nickname for dad <3

I mean, is it one or two words? -?

In the TV edit the phrase is “Yippee Ki Yay, Mister Falcon”.

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Because I have to finish the quote, my teenage sons will randomly say the first part just to get me to finish it.

Yippee ki yay mister falcon

Ghost riders in the sky. Or die hard.

Oh, are you guys doing a die hard?

John McLane has always been partial to Roy Rogers lol.

Mr. Falcon

Is that word the greatest Xmas story ever?

Welcome to the party pal

Ya’ll are wusses…
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I watched this movie for the first time the other day but even before that I already knew the phrase lol

Yippie kayak other buckets

Others have answered, but I’m more curious why it’s formatted like poetry

Yippee ki yay monster trucker

I wanna say he said it in all the Die Hard movies. I think the first 3 for sure, not sure about the last two. The first one is the best Christmas movie ever (IMO)

Wow. I would be kid safe thinking it was “Yippie kai yai yo!”

101 teaching your son the ways of Samuel Jackson

You’re in for a wild movie, bro.

A great Christmas Movie!

“Yippie kayak other buckets”

I haven’t even watched it but I know, everyone does

Oh god I just got a little older today.

Yippee kayak other buckets!!

You gotta first be filled by the Christmas Sprit.

I’ll add, it sounded modeled after “This Is Just to Say” by William Carlos Williams.

I swear that this is how my kid learned swear words. It’s like a reflex to finish or use certain phrases.
I’m that parent.
At least kid knows better than to use in front of me but I’m pretty sure they say it with their friends.

There’s a saying that goes yippee ki yay mr falcon.

I know it’s Die Hard but did anyone else think of Hey Dude from Nickelodeon?

Yippie Kai Yai – What?!

Yippee kayak other buckets!

I never watched die hard in english, so i actually had no clue whats the original word he says afterwards…

Funfact: In the german version he says “Schweinebacke” which translates to “pig cheek”.

Its a reference, not a joke.

I just realized that I don’t know the English quote, only the German one

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