Can someone explain this

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Mountain goats can walk on extremely steep slopes.

After determining the wall is not quite vertical, the goat realises he can walk on it just fine.
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Mountain goats can climb incredibly steep, almost vertical angles with ease. The frog thought he could escape the goat by climbing the wall. The frog was wrong. 92 degrees is a bit farfetched, but the point is that the wall isn’t perfectly vertical, therefore the goat can climb it.

Goats can walk on walls of more than 90 degrees

Their hooves are two-toed and cloven, with pliable padding and a tough ‘outer shell’. These rubbery pads are able to spread apart, greatly improving the goat’s ability to balance and strengthening their grip. Their grip and overall strength is also helped by their aforementioned leg muscles

Mountain goat witchcraft…

Goats are such deadly creatures that they don’t summon stands, THEY ARE THE STANDS!

Mountain goats walk on extremely steep slopes
the one in this image is 92° which would almost be a wall if not the two degrees

Mountain goats can walk even on the slightly declined wall

Goats can do stuff like [this](

Goats are awesome.

IIRC, Goats can walk on surfaces at up to 94• Angles.

I know this is a reach but can someone please recommend me an anime with this kind of stuff in it?

the frog can just climb vertically to escape. the goat is going to climb slower

I feel like I see this posted on this sub once every few months.

Mountain goats are well known for being able to climb near vertical cliff faces. This cartoon employs that fact in it’s punchline.

The joke being that that frog criminal thinks it has escaped beyond the goats reach. However, after feeling the wall too see how steep it is, the goat simply steps up the extreme but not quite completely vertically inclined wall.

The frog is shocked.

I want to meet the goatman

That’s actually a pretty good comic strip

This is so good

This isn’t a spider-man 3 venom/sandman meme?

Mischievous Princess lookin ass

Goats deny gravity

Mountain goat’s dressed like a smooth criminal 

yoooo I’m smart because I understood immediately

This repost again?

This is the most common post in this sub, you would think everyone would know the joke by now.

This one has been posted many times it’s not funny anymore.


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