Can we be there when Trump finds out?

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Completely unhinged all CAPS crybaby tweet incoming.

That’s pretty much an open admission that he thinks the next administration is looking to establish a dictatorship.

How is possible we can protect these individuals from Trump’s berserk wrath (as we should) but we can’t do anyfuckingthing to stop his tyrannical ascension?

Shame he had to pardon a bunch of innocent people to protect them from revenge..

The Antichrist won’t be stopped by pardons. His legions of knuckledragging worshippers will be called upon to harass or harm those pardoned.
There are no laws in Antichrist America.
No one is safe in Antichrist America.

He will not respect a pardon. They’ve already said they’re still going to continue to investigate Hunter Biden.

The man is on a mission to punish the people he feels “wronged” him. He just ignored SCOTUS and Congress over the TikTok ban. You really think he’s gonna respect a pardon by a president he’s insanely jealous of and hates?

We are about to hit some dark times.

Can’t wait for the MAGA meltdown from Biden pardoning Fauci simply for doing his job and trying to save lives. The audacity of this man!

Fuck Donald Trump.

I wish Biden had said “these pardons reflect the necessity to protect these people from more of the GOP’s unjustified bitching”

Now, let’s remind every single J6er that Trump didn’t pardon them before he left office. He just left them to be hunted by the FBI and then to rot in federal prison in DC. And he most definitely knew some of their names ahead of time. He didn’t care if they suffered. He just wanted to use them as political pawns for his re-election.

The majority of White people who voted wanted a dictator. They sure got it. Good luck, everyone.

My own personal opinion is that when Trump and Biden met after the election Trump goaded him and said he was coming after Biden‘s son. I truly believe he was going to make an example of Hunter Biden. That’s why I think Biden pardoned his own son after he said he wouldn’t.

I am completely on board with this round of pardons and his pardoning of his son.

Welcome to the oligarchy..

Perfect timing, Mr President. This should be rattling around in cheeto’s empty head while hes taking the oath.

Does the fact that this is (probably) necessary mean that the USA is now officially a banana republic??

Unbelievable that pardons have to be issued to any of these people. Sickening. WTAF. Where are we?

Who cares? We have a convicted felon for a president. Rules don’t matter anymore.

Really making us wait, Joe.

I love it. I’m glad he’s trying to protect them from the idiot taking office today.

Not that I’m opposed to this, but can you pardon people whom have not engaged in a criminal activity? Will a preemptive pardon even stop someone (MAGA) from charging you with a new invented crime? Never mind that the MAGA-types will now be all “see told u he was a crime!”.

He needs to move to protect the jury members in New York who voted to convict. These ordinary citizens put themselves at incredible risk to do the right thing. The United States cannot just leave these people to fend for themselves.

That’s what happens when the price of eggs is more important than Democracy. Pure decadence.

MTG is gonna have a fucking conniption lmfao 🤣

They shouldn’t be needed in any sane country but glad he did it

I’ll take “Things you do when a mad man is about to become President” for $2000, Ken.

This won’t stop Trump from sending the IRS after them, getting his SEC to lock up their finances, etc. It will get ugly.

Liz Cheney is conspicuously absent from the list.

Uh oh, forgot about Jack Smith, guess he’ll be pubicly decapitated this time next year in front of the lincoln memoria, for his witch hunt or something deranged like that

Guarantee Trump pardons ever member of congress who actually participated in the coup.

US is now a dictatorship with trump. Good luck out out there

I get why he did this, and I agree he needed to, but this is another example of how the Dems are playing by rules that just don’t exist anymore. 100% guarantee that Trump just says “fuck it” and tries to prosecute people anyway. This is no longer a democracy, today we turn into an oligarch dictatorship and all the rules that existed for 200+ years are thrown out the window.

From an external perspective, the pardon system seems like it needs reworking. It’s completely ripe for abuse, even if this instance is a sensible usage of it.

But then again that probably applies to a lot of Presidential powers in the US nowadays

Trump and his followers are such an immature idiots that this pardons are needed

Good lord. The fact that we have to even do this.

I was hoping to see Luigi on the list.

Just keep him *far* away from the red button. You just know Trump is ready to press it as part of his temper tantrum.

If this is the stuff Biden’s doing out loud, imagine what he’s doing behind closed doors. I’m sure there’s about 1,015 quiet things the office could do to make the transition easier, and he’s done none of them. Trump won’t even be able to find a pen to sign all those hateful mandates.

Like he cares for protocol, he’ll demand an investigation presidential pardon be damned

So when will the tiger king be pardoned?

Good on him for doing it at the last minute on the way out the door, too!

Liz Cheney as well.

In what works do innocent ppl need pardons 😩 our fked up one

It’s a shame that this has to be done.

Last item – release the full Trump investigation reports.

America is no more

Why does a pardon from Biden mean anything when Trump could still charge them with some “crime” later?

I’m not American, can a kind stranger informed of the significance of these ppl and why this is a good or bad thing.

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