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What did you ask OP?

Spill the beans, what sub was it ?


Ask advice on reddit

What do you expect

I wouldnโ€™t worry too much over it.

Reddit is full of pricks and trolls. I should know.


yeah reddit will do that…

i pointed out hypocracy as a joke and got downvoted to oblivion cause 26 people didn’t understand the joke…

I just got obliterated by downvotes on the very sub because I said, “Reddit is the root of all memes” as a joke.

Sorry babe, fuck those who were cursing at you. You know what, I cast a curse on you that reversed their curse but then the curse came back

Youโ€™re welcome

At least it’s not as bad as stack overflow

Yeah :/

Could be worse. I posted in a SA sub and got people sending me messages to tell me I deserved it๐Ÿซ 


When your question post on a sub not solely for questions rests at zero upvotes because no one wants to see more questions

Just claim you know the perfect way to deal with something, talk about how you deal it, and then someone will come along and correct you and basically give you the advice you’re looking for.

No. I suspect it would depend what subs you were a member of tho.

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