Canadian government billboard ad in my city (GA, US)

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Democrats: โ€œYou can do that?โ€

I saw one on I-95 in Brevard County, FL today.

Anybody else see the GoC logo and have the first 4 notes of O Canada play in their head unbidden?

For Yanks: government of Canada commercials play a very simplified version of the beginning of O Canada as a (very effective) jingle.

Do we live in the same city? I also saw this on my commute in GA today.

Here in central fl, too

Just saw the same in PA

It’s very embarrassing that foreign countries have to educate ignorant Americans

Saw this in Orlando, Florida today, too!

Popped up in Phoenix, AZ today too

Now wait until they tell you about the house hippos

Your best ally is trying to help educate and inform their neighbors. Canada strong ๐Ÿ‡จ๐Ÿ‡ฆ

I support this use of my tax dollars.

Those American would be awfully mad if they could read.

I saw this exact billboard in my city today! Good on Canada!

Just saw one of those driving through WI also

Seen in Metro Detroit

You just proved bench advertising worked!!ย 

Hell fucking ya Canada is a hilarious troll

Au Canada, go Canada!

Truth. Most red pill idiots don’t understand economics.

Just passed the same billboard in central Florida today.

Itโ€™s in Cleveland too!!!

Touche bitches


I donโ€™t know if theyโ€™re talking about Canadian tarrifs or American tarrifs.

Trump’s voters aren’t intelligent enough to process that.

Saw these in DC today

Saw the same one in PA today

Donโ€™t forget the voiceover announcing: โ€œThis is a message from the Government of Canada.โ€ *doo-do-do-doo*โ€

It’s too bad the people they’re targeting can’t read.

Canada paying to educate the US.

Oh, Canada.

Oh no! the price of Canadian maple syrup is going to double my grocery bill.

That sign won’t stop trump because he can’t read

Too bad magas can’t read anything not in a Twitter post or Facebook meme.

“…you economically illiterate dumbasses.”

Inflation is a tax on your savings and everything you buy.

A little late to do much good. Needed that before the election

which one is GA

I’ve seen these in the Winston-Salem, NC area as well

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