Canadian Naval Diving Academy takes graduation picture under water.

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The guy in the middle risking it all for those teeth in the smile.🙏😁

I suppose getting the PHD would require you to dive in and out without getting wet.

Hang on, did someone copy/paste the big guy in the front row?

A few of them look added in post in which makes them look like victims who drowned :/

Are the women floating?

Under water under wear would made more sense

Help me I graduated under the water

And not a fucking Americunt in sight. I love my country! 🇨🇦

Me when I can’t fart 😫

So why isn’t the fabric of their shirts wet?

Reminds me of a video I saw of some US military academy graduation ceremony.

The cadets can choose where they want the ceremony to be and, almost as a joke, they decided to have it outdoors in a four and a half foot deep pool. Everything went pretty normally, but any time someone had to walk around it took much longer.

The 3 guys on the right back look like cardboard cut ups.

Right before their harlem shake

I hope they told the photographer ahead of time…

I see they appropriately used a fisheye lens.

how come there are zero bubbles?!

Bob blinked, we have to take another.

The black guy is the only one that looks like is having fun.

But how does this happen. Is the water non-buoyant?

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