Can’t argue with that logic

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The “love you” at the end is sending me.

love you at the end is so thai humor

You *speak English because it’s the only language you understand*. *I speak English because it’s the only language you understand*

If anyone apologizes to me for their bad English, I just tell them that their English is better than my {their_language}.

Plot twist. They’re in Okinawa. 

Once I’ve respond to mocking my English by starting to speak Polish

“This is absurd. We demand everyone from everywhere to speak the only language that I can speak to accommodate me and myself personally. You’ve gotta have on the menu what *I* want to eat *whenever* I want it!”

This was literally written because of boomers.

If I can speak Thai can I complain?

Their printing skills are phenomenal.

That’s always been my go-to comment to people who mock foreigners trying to speak English. “They speak English better than you speak *insert language here*.”

“Love you”

Fair enough.

As a customer service agent, saying “your English is awful” will not make me better at speaking with you, actually will make me want to hang up on you and leave a bad note on your account

Fair enough

Do I get three guesses where the people complaining about their English come from?

Thankfully we have apps to communicate using other languages now. Helpful when travelling.

It’s like I always tell my Taiwanese coworkers: “You speak better English than I speak Mandarin.”

This is getting personal lol

Love you 🫶

What if their English is as bad as my Japanese and German? Is that a fair trade? If it isn’t I can sweeten the pot by throwing in some Patois.

😅 I Like the sense of humor

I agree with this and this should apply to every country that anyone decides to visit to, People need to know the native language of the country they want to go to they can’t expect people to hand hold them because they didn’t put in enough time and effort to at least be conversational

Had this conversation in India:

Do you speak Hindi?
Do you speak Tamil?
So you only speak English?
I speak English, French, Spanish and Italian.

Dude thought Indian languages were the only ones to exist!

A shout to the dyslexic people that read “cove you” like me and was wondering if that was a thay thing.

One of my social work profs had said this to a Korean girl in my class some years ago.

Girl apologized for her English not being as good as ours.

Without missing a beat, prof goes, “Why are you sorry? Don’t be sorry! Your English is much better than my Korean”

I’m not saying they’re referring to Aussies, but some of us have some deep seated issues that come to the fore when we’re visiting SEA nations as tourists.

I feel that mostly English native speakers would complain. Especially those who has never learnt another language.

When I speak with somebody who speak English or Polish worse than me, I speak slower, I make my accent clearer, and I use simpler words if that’s possible.

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