Can’t even flirt without getting blasted online in front of millions

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I’m surprised how many people are impressed (or that anyone is for that matter) that he simply wrote the note correctly/mostly correctly.

Very interesting.

another sub had the right reaction to this twitter post:

“They used to say the worst that can happen is that she says no. Today, the second best thing that can happen is that she says no.”

He was courteous, used excellent grammar, and complimented her. 10/10 a good guy

Lemme hack your heart

Idk I think if I was the only girl in a room full of guys I actually wouldn’t want to be flirted with. And normally I do want to be flirted with, I’m not someone who thinks hitting on women is evil. But something is different when you’re the *only* woman idk. It’d make me uncomfortable

It seems the message they were trying to communicate, though a bit poorly, is that sometimes (as in almost always) women want to be in a professional setting and not get hit on.

Being the only woman in a male dominated space can be challenging.

Where’s the “blasting”?

As a woman in engineering, constantly being hit on and asked out is easily the worst part of working in this field

Have y’all been at a hackathon? It’s long, tiresome, with the most annoying people you’d meet in university, majority men.

All you do is code in a group, and sometimes you have to do it over night without sleeping, and you are in a TIME CRUNCH.

No one hates on people asking out, but damn is there a time and a place and a way.

So she wanted to be in an event but couldn’t enjoy her time without being hit on, basically.

Firstly this guy isn’t blasted online in that nobody knows who he was lmao.

Maybe just leave people alone? Did he even just introduce himself or say hi, or did he just write a fucking note to pass to a complete stranger?

Who is this guy? Do you know his name? Is he really getting blasted? Him and like 1 friend and her and one friend probably know who it is. To the “millions of people” seeing this it’s just a note.

I’m sure handing a note to a woman like it’s middle school worked like a charm

as i said on this post on a different sub it was posted in, the context of this person being the only girl at a hackathon changes things a lot. obviously people shouldn’t be posting things like this online, but it is already really difficult to be the only girl at a career-related event like this without feeling like people either don’t respect your skills or are going to try to ask you out. she is there to compete in a hackathon, and if i was in her shoes, this would make me feel uncomfortable and even more “other”, no matter how polite it is.

[Same text, same emoji, same date, different picture](


Idk. This seems pretty normal. Women want to be in mostly male dominated spaces without being hit on. Based on some of the comments from women, this is very common in those types of jobs, like construction. No one was blasted, as she censored the number and didn’t say his name, I think the point was just that it’s not an appropriate place or time to do that.

Home boy literally said “the back of your head is ridiculous… Can I have your number? Can I have it?”

I understand her irritation. If I’m there for a hackathon, I don’t want to sit there and think about how someone was staring at me so intensely that they point out weird details like two braids on the back of my head. That gives “i want to wear them as part of my woman suit”. Just befriend us like you would another dude at events like this, or leave us alone.

What exactly is infuriating about this? Literally no one is getting blasted. Nobody knows who gave the note except the girl herself. The guy’s identity is completely undisclosed.

As a recipient of a similar note with in the past year – I am in my 50s. I was out with friends at a restaurant (so a different setting). A man walked up and gave me a note like this – basically I have been watching you, I find you attractive, call me.

Guys – this is not appealing! It is creepy! Him being attracted to me is zero reason for me to want to have any contact with this person. I felt self-conscious that he was observing me. It was uncomfortable! And the only other data I had is that his social skills need a lot of work.

In the context of being the only woman at a hackathon- even worse! She was likely already feeling singled out and watched. Possibly she had already dealt with comments about her gender or her appearance.

Being attracted to someone does not entitle you to their time or attention. It does not entitle you to approach them.

This guy is unidentified- so if he is embarrassed, he is feeling it privately.

The number of people here who do not understand that sexual attention is often unwanted and unwelcome and uncomfortable is concerning. This woman is doing absolutely no harm in sharing this note. If the guy is somehow magically harmed by it hopefully he will consider speaking to women like normal humans in the future.

I would be so uncomfortable to be given this note tbh. Unless I was 12. Can’t even go into that space without someone trying to bang you

That’s not flirting.

At least if you’re doing a flirt, be doing it in person and not like it’s middle school. Show that you aren’t totally socially awkward like the Eliot Alderson you think you are.

I know some couples that met at hackaton… but I gotta admit, you don’t flirt with someone with a note, you do it in person.

We all know why he really mentioned the braids.

Please tell me all the men aren’t THIS clueless!

It’s so bizarre seeing people talk about this like it isn’t creepy. If you were staring at a girl, unbeknownst to her, for hours without saying a word, and then gave her a note indicating you had been doing so, you would be really fucking weird! Just say hi, crack a joke, and ask her in person!

The “lol” is really, really bad and makes the whole thing sound condescending 

I don’t think people are getting why the girl posted the note. It’s not because a guy gave it to her. It’s because women feel like they can’t go into male dominated spaces without getting hit on.

It’s infuriating when you’re just trying to exist in a space and this kind of thing keeps happening.

Terrible “flirting” and you’re completely anonymous, so nobody got “blasted.”

Zero spelling mistakes. And proper “you’re.” She should give him a call.

Please do not hit on the only woman in a professional setting. That should be obvious, and failure to understand why shows a significant lack of social skills. And social skills are relationship skills.

No more winking at strangers on Tuesdays!

I’ll explain for everyone confused. First, what are the chances that the only girl in a room packed with dudes wants to be flirted with?

Second, why leave a note? Are they 12? This is how grade schoolers ask out their crushes.

No one over the age of 12 ‘flirts’ like this, especially with the only woman in the room, super weird.

honestly, the mention of two braids, the male-dominated setting, and the LOL make this read like some sort of tongue-in-cheek diss/neg. does not seem genuine to me, but i might just be super jaded. oh sorry forgot we were all supposed to be saying the same thing

what a BITCH how could she NOT DATE THIS AWESOME GIY from this anonymous note … i mean the grammer and slelling are correct i hink th big dawg deserves a chance…you cannot approach FEMALES anymore bro i stg 🤦

(it’s funny bc if the guy had the balls to just go up to her she wouldn’t have had anything to post)

Hey, instead of making her feel like someone’s staring her down from a distance in a highly uncomfortable situation (being the only woman in the room) why not take the time to be friends with her? Make her feel normal? Jesus read the room boys

Yeah because that’s not how you flirt, that’s fucking weird. Tell her this in person not hand her a post it note. If you don’t have the balls to approach her then take a pass.

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