Can’t forget they probably have a pool as well

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I wish

I think Americans understand the differences between middle class and rich

Honestly if it keeps them humbled and leads to them not being a spoiled rich asshole, let them believe what they want

Depends on the state, in California that house is 20million. In Texas it’s 300,000.

Upper middle class can afford this. A lot depends on location. 3 cars isnโ€™t a hard thing to have. Husband, wife, and a car for the teenage kids to share. A pool isnโ€™t expensive. Walmart sells them for under $500. In ground pools are expensive. If you go inside the house, then you can see if there is cheap furniture or expensive stuff.

As an American, I find this to be wholly unrealistic. WHERE are the servant quarters?! Is their hovel just outside the shot, or located out back?

I always think back to Home Alone to the Mccallister home thinking how thatโ€™s peak middle class or upper middle class for the early 90s and realize for most of us that door has closed as I look sit in my studio apartment in my mid thirties and think we had it too good back then

But in fact this is a cheap house because you have to rebuild it every time a little wind goes by

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