Can’t hurt Elon, or else

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Trump is a corrupt shill because Musk has already donated over 300 million to Trumps campaign effectively buying the presidency!

He’s making it clear that justice under him isn’t about law. If you’re on his side, you get a free pass. If you’re against him and you threaten his interests he wants you locked up for decades. That’s not justice that’s oppression

We must protect the richest man on the planet with the full power of the government. Fairly odd priorities.

Justice is blind, but apparently it can still read stock prices.

The law will become just a stick to beat their enemies.

I can hardly wait for the next president, the prosecution of Elon and the rest of these pieces of shit. We just have to make sure the head of the justice department isn’t afraid of shadows like Garland. I would like to remind the brown shirts of ICE of this as well.

Does Elon really think that he’ll be walking away Scot-free? People are going to enjoy making his life hell for the next 20 plus years if he survives that long or doesn’t go to prison.

Nobody hurt the new Emperor of America’s fefes. The puppet president would do anything to make sure nobody does.

Trump has his very own Tickle Me Elmo, and he loves it very very bigly.

Trump will do everything in his power to protect his biggest campaign contributor and cohort. That was the deal.

You didn’t think the leopards would eat you did ya? That’s how it works

That is what you voted for.

“Exactly! This gal gets it!” – Trump

Ladies and gentlemen….the United States of America


Elon sounds like a snowflake to me

Jo’s the absolute best

No we just haven’t drank enough kool-aid. Then we can get in line by everybody else and take turns changing his diapers.

If I was a American would I go to jail for 20 years for not wanting to buy a Tesla

What happened to the “I didn’t hurt anyone” defense? I mean that’s what Musk said, he didn’t physically hurt anyone, just financially, emotionally, mentally, etc. I mean hurting people in those ways is acceptable, right?


Why does it have to be one or the other….

Both are bad

Both deserve prison

Plus Trump was bashing electric cars last year.

I think he has a memory laps because he forgot he pardoned people for the same thing

We need to start calling him Elon’s jealous boyfriend. Not because there’s anything wrong with two guys madly in love, but because these two think there is. Maybe we could even get a pseudo right wing gays for DT fan club going for them.

Stop burning the cars and go to the source instead. 1 person or a million cars. Has the same effect

Vandalism is VERY mild way of saying “Intensional arson”

correct they have no compare and contrast logic skills

I have a feeling capitalism will take care of this situation.

Just shows exactly who is in charge.

This just makes me want to burn up some Tesslers.

N A Z I esque regime.

The J6ers were mostly peaceful protestors, just like the BLM protestors. /s

I’ve never given a shit about vandalists, but a 20 year sentence in these prisons is a bit much. Can we agree both sides are going too far here? Let’s stop burning shit and let’s stop sending people away for it. Punish them, absolutely, but be reasonable.

People who werent violent got jail time over Jan 6th for essentially trespassing and entering the building.

People who didnt enter the capitol building (and were telling people not to enter) got jail time over Jan 6th

People who werent even at the capitol on Jan 6th got jail time over Jan 6th.

An unarmed women who wasnt violent was killed by law enforcement for trespassing. Silence from the ACAB crowd. Silence from the go women hear them roar crowd. Hypocrites.

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