Cards we gave out to our undocumented students today

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I didn’t know that and I had to look it up.
### **Rights That Apply to All Persons in the U.S. (Non-Citizens Included)**

– **First Amendment**:
– Freedom of speech, religion, press, assembly, and petition.

– **Fourth Amendment**:
– Protection against unreasonable searches and seizures.

– **Fifth Amendment**:
– Right to due process of law.
– Protection against self-incrimination.
– Protection from double jeopardy (being tried twice for the same offense).
– Just compensation for government seizure of private property (eminent domain).

– **Sixth Amendment**:
– Right to a fair and speedy trial.
– Right to legal counsel.
– Right to confront witnesses.
– Right to an impartial jury.

– **Eighth Amendment**:
– Protection against cruel and unusual punishment.
– Protection against excessive bail and fines.

– **Fourteenth Amendment**:
– Guarantees equal protection under the law and due process for all persons within the U.S.

Should be given to all students, otherwise you risk outing the undocumented ones with this card…

I think we need to move past thinking that these magical pieces of paper that correctly identify the law means anything.

You can have as many pieces of paper you want while they’re loading you onto the trains, laws only matter if they’re enforced.

Assuming you’re in chicago based on your past posts, CPS doesn’t ask or track students immigration status so I don’t know how you determined who was undocumented.

I’m not an American citizen, so I apologize in advance for not being entirely familiar with how the education system works in the United States. In my jurisdiction (Quebec, Canada), in order to register a child for school, you need to submit a number of documents proving that they are eligible to attend school in the province. These include things like a birth certificate, proof of Canadian citizenship or permanent residency for either the child or at least one parent, vaccination records, and so on and so forth. 

Do school districts in the United States not have these requirements? I guess I’m struggling with the idea that one could be an “undocumented” student. Surely there aren’t kids attending school in the United States who don’t have any documentation to prove that they’re legally eligible to be there? If so, how could that be?

And what happens when someone violates the rights on these cards ?

Can someone “undocumented” be released because they were taken in by agents who violated their rights ?

Or more likely, nothing….nothing will happen at all.

Rights need enforcement.

It should be given to everyone so that those who need this card aren’t singled out.

Is this even real? How do they even know the student is illegal? And why would a school go scarlet letter some kids?

Honest question, not a troll one.
How come an undocumented individual can claim constitutional rights in US?

I appreciate the intent but these cards kind of suck and it is obvious no one got a lawyer to review them.

The whole “slide under the door” part is not how a warrant works. Once they have it they are free to bust down the door if they choose to. You can’t stop the execution of a search warrant, you can only argue to suppress the evidence at trial.

Here have this card. ‘I do not wish to speak with you’. Kid starts crying.

Teacher here.

I wouldn’t hand a kid over. Like, they would have to take me as well. No way I’m handing one of my students over to a brownshirt goon.

Awesome but sincere question—how would teachers know who are the undocumented students?

Lmao the fear mongering.

Y’all know Biden deported more people than Trump, right? And Obama deported more in his first year than Trump’s entire term?

There never was any controversy then.

This should work as good as sovereign citizen police stops…lol

I read the first line and was like “what kind of hate speech are you throwing on these people!?” then I kept reading — Oh I get it now 😅

A warrant that they slide under the door? If they have a warrant, they don’t need your permission to enter and they’ll knock your door down if they want to.

This is a silly card.

Wait do americans actually have undocumented students in their schools?

Do non-US citizens have the same rights?

We also gave them out to all the students at my school. The school district sent them out to all the students in the district. It’s ridiculous and sad that it’s gotten like this. Some kids have been absent since Monday because of the fear of being deported. Absolute shit show.

All students at San Francisco parochial schools were getting them in English and Spanish.

This won’t really matter. With interactions with law enforcement, you are required by law to correctly identify yourself. If you refuse or give a false name, they will find out anyway and be arrested….if not already depirted.

Does the American constitution cover people from other countries? As a Canadian do I have the right to go to the United States and demand that that I have free speech when I am a visitor in the country?

Truly sickening what has happened to your country.

Does the constitution apply to non-citizens? Could I come to the USA as a tourist and have a ‘right to bear arms’? Then I’d plead the fifth!

Several amendments in the U.S. Constitution apply to all individuals within the country, including illegal immigrants. Here are the key amendments that protect the rights of all persons, regardless of their immigration status:

First Amendment:Protects freedoms of speech, religion, assembly, and the press. Illegal immigrants have the right to express themselves and practice their religion.

Fourth Amendment: Protects against unreasonable searches and seizures. This amendment ensures that law enforcement must have probable cause and a warrant for searches, which applies to everyone within the U.S.

Fifth Amendment: Grants the right to due process and protects against self-incrimination. This means illegal immigrants cannot be deprived of life, liberty, or property without due process of law.

Sixth Amendment: Ensures the right to a fair trial and legal representation. Illegal immigrants have the right to an attorney and a fair hearing in criminal proceedings.

Fourteenth Amendment: Specifically states that no state shall deny any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws. This amendment has been interpreted to extend certain protections to all individuals, including those who are undocumented.

Eighth Amendment:Prohibits excessive bail and cruel and unusual punishment. This protects all individuals, including illegal immigrants, from inhumane treatment.

While these amendments apply broadly, their interpretation and application can vary based on specific legal cases and contexts.

It might be good to give them to native-born residents and documented students as well, to muddy the waters.

It’s probably a good idea for everybody to have their rights in front of their eyes when they get stopped by the cops. If you don’t, just remember not to answer anything without your attorney present.

Sorry but I don’t think these cards are going to do jackshit against armed police officers/ICE.

People here have lost their god damn minds.

“Yeah I was gonna get deported but luckily I had a pamphlet on me detailing my rights!”

Don’t talk to cops

A piece of paper is not a physical barrier.

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