Carnival floats in Germany are notoriously political. This one is from todays parade in Cologne.

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Carnival in its history and tradition is notoriously political.

I was waiting for the pics of the German carnival floats, I knew they wouldn’t let me down.

Wow, if that‘s from Cologne I can‘t wait for the Düsseldorf ones. They usually have even sharper teeth.

And they say Europe has no freedom of speech. If there’s one talent we share across Western Europe it’s satire and mockery of those in power.

[This is what two of the cars looked like a year ago.](

So it’s not as if what’s currently happening couldn’t have been foreseen.

Fuck them both, choose European


These are floats from Düsseldorf, not Cologne. Here are a few more (behind a soft paywall): [](

That’s a very quick adaption to the current political scenery, they must have been working overtime to get this completed. Good job!

Fucking dictators. Let’s create a powerfull and independent European defence.

The faces are modelt exceptionally well, i love it!

Ohhhhh that’s good.

Same for Aalst carnaval in Belgium. There’ll be a lot of Trump/Putin depictions.

This one is from Düsseldorf, see the sign in the center left “environmental centre düsseldorf”

Hitler and Stalin divided Poland between them
Putin and Trump share Europe

lots of thin skinned snowflake americans in the the comments lol

It is fantastically true, except they didn’t make trump fat enough, and putin – short enough.

As long as I live I always knew it as Molotov–Ribbentrop pact.

And if I would prepare something like that I would put 2 lines.

1. 1939 – Molotov–Ribbentrop Pact
2. 2025 – Putin-Trump Pact

i like the message, but it was fucking ribbentrop-molotov pact, not hitler-stalin 

I mean, it is not even close but yeah fuck trump.

Ukraine is gonna have to choose a side EU can’t do crap

The Germans are pretty insufferable in all this.

Wow, how ignorant considering the other administration kept the war going and it’s Europe that is doing the same. You can’t make it up!

and of course Europe magically forgot about their Munich agreement in 1938 (which was a reason to pakt you refer to) lol

Americans don’t care what a German thinks.

God Germans are pathetic.
Racked with Holocaust guilt they let in a million plus middle eastern migrants who the country has utterly failed to assimilate which was warned about.

Also German intelligence agencies have been totally infiltrated by the Russians and if other western countries need to let Russia know something they give it to the Germans .

This is dumb

They should add [this poster]comment image) to the float.

Yeah, I remember when hitler famously pleaded for the killing to stop.

Praise be our new founding father, Donald J Trump. Under his watchful eye may we be a nation reborn!

Now trump is Stalin too. Good one

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