Carrie Fisher listening to Mark Hamill’s first son, 1979

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Wow, Mark was just glowing.

She’s Marilou York. And she and Mark have been married since ’78

I believe that is Mark Hamill’s pregnant wife, not him. Meanwhile Carrie was beautiful.

His wife looks like him lol

First glance I thought Markโ€™s wife was Milla Jovovich

The first man to get pregnant!

The Force is strong in this one.

I didn’t know how much I needed Carrie Fisher listening to my belly sounds until now.

Such a cool moment! Carrie and Mark’s friendship is legendary, and it’s amazing to see this behind-the-scenes glimpse from back in the day.

โ€œI am your aunt!โ€

The force is strong with this one.

That’s not Mark.

Dude mark hamil got pregs

what’s the backstory?

I saw Mark Hamill and Carrie Fisher in the closet making babies and one of the babies looked at me.

Is that not Mark Hamill??

Palpy approves.


Ben Skywalker


That Skywalker family gets more complicated by the minute.

TIL Mark Hamill married Lily Allen!

I met Ms. Fisher at a film festival about 15 years ago and she was utterly delightful, kind, witty, charming. She’s the nicest celebrity I have ever met and one of the kindest people that I have ever met at a rich person party.

Gods she was breathtaking then.

Thatโ€™s a good Aunt.

She had such a weird relationship with all the SW cast

Woah his first son was a xennial! ๐Ÿ˜„

Her face like โ€œwill this b*** stop pulling focus every second of her lifeโ€ ๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜

Wow congrats Mark, Mpreg is real.

Hamil’s wife is thinking, “oh, ok, first you have an affair with my husband, and now you’re here listening to our baby, great”.

Edit: Nope, that was actually Harrison Ford she had an affair with.

**knock, knock**

“This is the story of how I got involved with the Russian mafia!”

Luke: I am your father.

Okay that’s precious.


Great album overall 7/10

OP did not stutter a teeny bit

Should not have eaten that Porg !

she looks like a child.

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