Carrie Underwood getting fitted for Inauguration Day.

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Seems about right. Fuck you Carrie Underwear.

“You’re a Grand Wizard, Carrie!”

Oh Carrie…the dark side got to you.

I don’t know why people are surprised that a country singer famous for Jesus Take The Wheel is a Trumpkin. I’d never given it much thought but I would have guessed she was if I had.

She looks like she was born to it.

This is not going to age well for her career or restarting her career 😆

Out of the loop. What’d she do?

No fact check,no community notes? *Its real!*

I can’t believe I voted for her!*

*in 2005

It shouldn’t be a surprise for people though because she claims to be a “Christian” and she has expressed that multiple times.

She *might* back out in 3..2..1… She’s getting roasted in every social 🤣

She’s gonna channel her NFL theme energy:

🎵“It’s inauguration night in America, grab your hoods and your whites, it’s gonna be a fight!”🎵

To the tune of Tennis Night by Jenna Maroney.

Seems about reich.

She is THE singer that 4 out of 5 rapists like!

presenting her latest “Fox Noose” song /s

I’m shocked that people are surprised. She’s a country singer, y’all. You ever seen that culture and fan base?

I always liked Miranda Lambert more anyway

Lie down with dogs; get up with fleas.

**Fact: For those who voted, White Females voted 53% for Trump.**

Oh what a surprise, another country singer outs themselves as literal trash. So surprised over here. Shocked, even.

Scary Underthewoodpile

How come her hands look like an old man?

Donald Dunce will be eye-fucking her while demanding she sings “a real beauty” Ave Maria so that he can sway

*But maybe next time, he really will think before he cheats!* -KKKarrie Underwood, probably

Anyone taking bets on her getting cut from Sunday Night football?

She steps into the spotlight and a new chapter unfolds, like a surprise car in the audience.



Better vote him in before he cheats (yet again)

I wish I had something hilarious to say about this but I’ll just leave it at how much I love this for her, the fallout.

Underhood indeed

“Jesus Make a Deal!!!!!

Give him my demands.

Cause I won’t do this pro bono!

I’m getting paid!

So give me that sweet dough

And save me from this financial low….

Jesus, make a deal!”

KKK queen?

Another easy boycott

Omg that’s awful.

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Easy Fake

I bet there was almost no one willing to sing and she volunteered. Maybe she’ll make money from the grift, but I don’t see how this is good for her

What is the context for this? Is she just awful to people IRL or is there some other underlying story that gives this picture context? Honestly asking. Thanks.

There’s no way this is real right???? Wtf?!?!


I have no idea who she is. Should I know who she is and surprised she’s… well, this?

Look at those hands!


Must be from the new Calia by Carrie Underwear line.

Kkk suit ? WTF

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