Cat good, think about cat

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Thers a fox that waits for me when I come home from work. And a crow that follows when I go work.

I live in middle of London, makes the day better for sure 🙂

Cat happy man happy

Why does pspspspsps not work for me??😭

They forgot the rest.

“Man pets cat”

“Cat sniffs man’s pocket”

“Man finds some food in his pocket”

“Cat eats the food”

“Cat walks away with no gratitude”

“Man sad again”

But most of the cats are scared 😕if you call them pspspsps

Use Gigachad for the last one you Alien to meme culture!

Dude all cats look at me and run after I pspspsps for them

Someone who care about you. Too bad they are not human.

Man happy, avoid woman, woman happy.

Can confirm


Cat is good. Cat is life.

cats are the pinnacle of make man happy after sad

Cause attention

There are these 2 cats always sitting at the building’s entrance and everyday coming home back from work, they’d come running

Tired of these nonsensical only “man” memes…
Whoever sees a cat is happy, even my god damn dog

Such a good feeling!

>Man give cat salami

>Cat happy

Sometimes just looking on some cat makes your day a little bit brighter

So kind of that cat to adopt a needy human. 


Why is it, every time I step outside, I automatically pick up a cat more real than my own paltry hobbies?

Finally got that puss

The three stray kitties in my building are whats keeping me going fr

Lol man finds glasses 🤓 as bonus.

I disagree, cat= trash;

dog >>>>>>>

Never understood these memes. What, do you think women don’t like cats?


– Man remembers he can’t adopt cat at this moment

– Man sad again

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