Caught my long distance boyfriend cheating.. through DoorDash… I just had a hunch

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This is EXACTLY why I follow this sub. This shit right here

Oooh I love this type of drama


Why can’t I get these requests. I’d be so invested 😭

And whose black car is that? Need more context lol

Update us with what he says 😭

Boy bye, we too good for all that BS. You got this babe, be strong.

Damn, the trust must be nonexistent in this relationship to use DoorDash to catch a cheater 💀💀

can’t come see you, ignored your text that you sent flowers and chocolate, and there’s a mystery car in the driveway? Yeah I’d break up with him

If it’s a good tip I’ll send you the plate🤣 I’m sorry this happened to you. People are awful sometimes. Surely you deserve better❤️

Going to try to summarize the comments post so far,

I believe he is cheating because he is a serial cheater and we’ve had many issues with cheating in the past. We will break up for a few months, get back together, and kinda repeat.

We’ve been doing this for 8 years in April. He originally told me he would be here Thursday night, but told me he had a morning meeting at 6am Friday and didn’t think he could make the 6hr drive to come see me and preform in this meeting. I was upset, but we talked not out and he was supposed to come Friday night/valentines day night, he was distant Valentine’s Day, but said work was ready busy, I didn’t think much of it, then this interaction happened:

Confirming he was at home alone, but also he has Brie for dinner which seemed… off?

Anyways, he was acting depressed, and wanting to be nice I ordered him roses and his favorite candy to his house. I told him to expect a delivery within the hour. He left this message read but did not answer. Which was … super bizarre? So I at that moment had the idea to message the door dasher asking about a second car in the drive way.

She asked if I still wanted her to complete the delivery, and I was like, uh, yes, and I’ll send an extra 10$ if you loudly say “ this is a gift from your girlfriend “ dasher agreed, but even though she rang the door bell and knock repeatedly, the dude would not answer.

While talking to the driver, I said something like “ what the hell, I’ve been dating this man for almost 8 years” which triggered the chat to close, I about screamed in frustration, but I did leave the dasher 20$ as a tip for her detective work.

Currently, laying in bed obsessing over this with my cats while pretending that I’m driving the 6 hours to my soon to be exs house and confronting him. If he doesn’t answer by the end of this count down I’m just going message something like. “ I saw what I need to see, I’m driving home” and actually have some leverage for his stupid lies when he does come around to answering me.

Sooooo, you’re single now, right? 😅

you’re smarter then I am. May use this in the future 😉 and block his ass!

Very clever move with the DoorDash.

No worries if it’s too personal, but just curious why you stayed together 8 years before living together?

You have got to be kidding me?! I don’t care what everyone else is saying, this was GENIUS. They’ve probably never been cheated on. Sometimes when you know you know and you gotta trust your gut.

I’d love to get a request like this 😂 i love that she told you as well. What a fn liar. Can’t wait to see what lie he comes up with to try and cover this

You should have had the driver knock or ring the doorbell until they answered and have them say, “Your gf sent you some food.”

This is how I found out my now ex-wife was cheating. I’m so sorry for what you are going through ☹️💙

Wow my dasher never even responds to me

Best $25 ever spent

I hope you tipped extra lol

Oh nooo 😭💔 this is my second time seeing something like this happen today. Leave him right where he’s at 👎🏾

Did you tip well?

Break up with him asap.

okay yall, update:

I sent this text at 4:33 am, approximately 6 1/2 hours after the post was put up:

“Lmaooo, door dasher was 100% telling the truth. Two cars in the driveway, but no answer at the door. Beautiful.

You’re done. Throw away my key. Don’t reach out to me again. I’d interrupt your Valentine’s Day, but what’s the point, enjoy your new victim. “

Even though he did not respond to me ALL night he finally calls me when I text him this, at this point, I didn’t want to immediately answer. So I ignored about 5 calls.

Then he switched to snap chat because I turned off imessaging.

After this, I finally answered the phone and we talked for about 45 minutes but I wasn’t exactly “sold” by this answer.

He essentially told me that he went out with buddies to drink and they carpooled to the bar and back. He sent me a photo of his driveway at 5am without anyone behind him, and said he lied because he knew I’d be upset about him going out on valentines, and he didn’t want to upset me or argue with me.

He called my bluff about the drive over there, unfortunately. Kind of impressed he saw through my crazy there so quickly.

Not a very conclusive update, after 45 minutes on the phone with him, my head was spinning, I felt less sure of myself, and ended up excusing myself to get some sleep, hence the long wait for an update.

If anything topical happens I’ll update again,

Thanks for the well wishes everyone, it means a lot,

Girl this is so clever. Us girls just know, if you know.

Damn. I’m sorry OP. I applaud you for doing this tbh, also shoutout to Kilyn. Hope they got a good tip.

Please don’t put your dasher in this position. They are not your friend or a private investigator. This is their job.

Poor guy eating dinner with his wife and kids and Chris Hansen outside with flowers, chocolates and a video camera.

I feel like if a relationship reaches this point it should just end. The trust is clearly gone. Plus either Op is right and he’s cheating or OP is wrong and she invaded the fuck out of his privacy.

Also I don’t think the driver should have participated. They have no idea what the real situation is. OP could have been a stalker or something.

What is the asshole boyfriends response? Or have you asked him about it yet?

We’re here for you OP ❤️

What a healthy relationship 👍

This is new levels of toxicity

Hope you tipped well…he did you a huge favor

I can’t be be the only one that thinks it’s weird to involve a random stranger in your relationship issues?

Girl he hella knew what you were up too and isn’t responding because he could never out smart you if he tried.

You really want another 8 years or whatever with this dork?

Door dasher an idiot, that easily could have been an abusive ex stalking etc.

I’m going to be that guy… Not okay. Why take that at face value? They could have been trying to verify a certain person was home/wasn’t home for a Home Invasion or worse… Chances are its exactly what they said, but why risk it? Thats someone’s personal residence, and even so its their business anyway.

With the lengths people go for petty ass reasons these days, you cant be too safe, and its extremely irresponsible to play with someone elses life like that.

Your dasher is an amazing human. I hope you tipped him well 🙏 ❤️ ✨️

Alright I’ll ask the obnoxious question every driver is absolutely thinking but is too afraid to ask….

How well does one tip a driver to have them go above and beyond to help you out like this?

How do you know it was a girl? Does he not have guy friends out there?

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