CEO Elon Musk when he began losing his hair, Palo Alto, CA, 1999

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Hey Beavis, check it out

Where’s the pic when he started losing his mind?



This would be a good profile picture for a Musk parody account.

Nobody is really bald, just poor

Looks a bit like an alien…. Double meaning intended.

Hair treatment for men is literally gender affirming care

Edit:Please park all of your Teslas and Cyber trucks in the back lot if you’re goin to try and flood my replies with comments defending Elon. Additional parking can be located down the street. Thanks.

And this man insists on breeding to repopulate the earth with his superior seed? Right

Weirdo illegal

The good old days when he still wasn’t as popular and his dogshit opinions were confined to his brain.

His jaw…. He did some cosmetic surgery on the lower part of his face if you look closely….

Is this also before he got cheekbones and a jawline?

Could we consider “woke” getting a treatment to get hair back, instead of “being a man” and accept his baldness?

And he took it out on the rest of the world ever since

He looks like a cocaine dealer on the 1984 “Miami Vice”.

People on reddit have an unhealthy obsession with peoples’ appearance.

Whether Trump, Musk, whoever, there are PLENTY of horrible things you can criticize these people for.

And their appearance isn’t one of them. Going after their appearance just makes you look like a hypocrite.

Now he’s just lost his mind.

He looks ever worse here than he does today..

Of all the things, don’t make fun of him for something he can’t control. You never should talk badly about someone for something they play no part in, hair, face, skin, etc. By all means talk about how shitty he is, but I don’t like trying to make anyone seem worse for their genetics.

My daily reminder that I’m not ugly, I’m just poor

Body shaming is okay if it’s against someone you don’t like /s

So it’s okay to make fun of someone suffering from hair loss now? 

Don’t make fun of appearances, criticize corrupt policies instead and make people know why he shouldn’t have so much power. 

Duurrrrr male hair loss duurrrrr I’m a r-r-r-eddit user

He looks like a methed out Dwight Yoakam in this pic

I like Musks thought process, the satellite phone company, and the insistent interest in distant space travel do point towards E.T. He is Trying to find a way back to his home planet

It’s wild how much Musk looked like my brother in the 90s/00s. No wonder I hate that motherfucker so much and want to punch him.

Before his gender affirming care

I’m actually surprised that hair regeneration adverts aren’t using this as a “before” picture

What a dork.

It’s funny a bunch of blue haired cat lovers simp over body shaming this guy.

What a strange looking weasel of a man. Wonder how much cosmetic surgery he’s had so far

He looks like an autistic alien.

No wonder he’s trying to get off this planet.

I see now why he wears those goofy-ass MAGA hats..

Luckily the president has access to multiple hair replacement therapies

That man is fighting big insecurities and we all get to live through his clownery

Deport that POS.

Was he a woman?

You guys are sick. Seriously – why are you mocking someone’s appearance? Get a life.

This is literally the least problematic issue with him. Who cares about people hair, really?

You guys are so desperate, it’s sad.

Fun fact: Elon sold the []( url to Paypal in 2000 and then bought it back in 2017

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