CEO Elon Musk with former president Barack Obama, March 2015

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does he ever look normal in a picture?

He looks like the weird kid you knew in kindergarten who thought he could intimidate the bullies my pretending to use mind control (and yes that person was me).

What a ghoul. I remember when he was riding Obama for those sweet subsidies he pretended to be a green liberal type that was going to save the world. Now he’s a cowboy for Trump. He will hitch his wagon to whoever will line his pockets.

Totally normal face for meeting the President.

He looks like a fucking lunatic

This obnoxious turd basket makes this same idiotic face to every president.

Is he even human? Fucking weird.

That’s a really weird face to make. I think that’s referred to as the “Psychopath Stare”.


fucks wrong with his face?

Grima Wormtongue vibes.

Ah yes. The diabolical rich autistic look he loves to show people when he’s trying to make normal human interactions.

You spend $100 on your kids pack of school pictures and end up getting this.

God damn he look crazy…

Ok, so now we know that the “evil Palpatine face” isn’t exclusive to meeting Donald Trump.

That ingratiating posture is contrived to make president Obama and trump feel like he is not a threat to their authority.

I guarantee Leon thinks he’s the apex predator in the room.

We need to deport this POS and seize his assets and nationalize his companies.

I want to see this images in motion. There’s no way this guy looks this dumb all the time

He looks like a creepy ventriloquist dummy.

There’s that rapey look again

Elon’s “act normal” face.


r/pics more like democrats’ cherry picks

No Chick-fil-a sauce??


This guy is Martin Short as Clifford in every single photo.

Charles Grodin: “Just be normal. Be like a normal boy. Why are you making that face? Stop it! Stop it!”

Looks like he’s wearing his body like the Edgar Suit in MiB.

Fucking ghoul.

He’s almost just as gross as the fat weird orange old man

What a fucking gremlin.

Oh GOD, why is he so creepy?! He looks like a serial K*ller

Can he never not look like a lame comic book villain?

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