CEOs aren’t worth as much as they’re paid, and the recent execution proves that

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If elon Musk can be the ceo of four companies and work for the government, it kinda proves that ceos aren’t needed.

CEOโ€™s are a glorified PR position at most of these massive corporations. You have to check all the boxes, come from the right stock, and not do anything too stupid in public.

Thatโ€™s literally it. They contribute nothing to the day to day operations. You could replace them and nothing will change.

It’s not about CEOs helping the company, it’s about maintaining an artificial division between CEOs and the working-class workers who naively aspire to become them.

But can we keep trying the semi random justified summary Executions for a wee bit longer?

Corporations: something else? Like profits?

The irony is that this particular CEO was widely disliked because his company’s been getting a lot of bad press lately (the AI claim denial thing was a pretty big disaster) and the shooter saved the company a lot of money by letting them cash in on a key man life insurance policy and not have to pay him any severance

He died doing exactly what he was paid for, being the front man for the Board. Any public outrage, any legal trouble, any risk, he is the front end “decision maker”. The real engine keeps running along fine, that’s the point. They enact the Boards will while the board doesn’t have to deal, that’s why they get paid.

They’ll spend it on dividends & stock buybacks

Someone needs to tell this to the bootlickers on r/FuckLuigiMangione

The biggest problem in our economy is: the working class creating most the wealth, but being paid way less then theyโ€™re worth. Then the capitalist class creating a small amount of the wealth, but taking way more then theyโ€™re worth.

The capitalist class is stealing from the hard working Americans. They are stealing at every corner. The banks are stealing with interest being way too high. The profit margins are too high. The rent from residential is outrageous theft. The rent and leases for small businesses are outrageous theft. The toxic privatization profiteering through copy rights, patents, royalties, etc. Itโ€™s thiefโ€™s left and right at every level of transaction. At every step in production of goods and service there are lazy, exploitative, thieves stealing the wealth from the working class.

We should enforce proper compensation per contribution.



Stupendous take. Their stock dropped mildly but itโ€™s still up about 14% over the last 6 months. Of what precise value was his labour?

CEO real jobs description is to runโ€ฆ err retire with companyโ€ฆ err bonus at the right time & the right place.

Yeah, this post doesn’t really make sense. People on all sides agree that CEOs are never necessary to keep the company running short-term. So the fact United hasn’t ceased to function in this one week without a CEO isn’t really convincing evidence of anything.

I do agree with the doubting whether a $10 million CEO is necessarily going to be so clearly better than say a $500,000 CEO. But big companies are reluctant to perform that experiment. They figure it’s not worth the risk. $10 million is peanuts compared to the profits that are at stake with a company the size of UnitedHealthcare. So a bidding war erupts among companies for the potential CEOs perceived as best. The resulting pay packages are indeed obscene, but doing it makes sense from the owners’ viewpoint.

CEO pay is always justified by the board of directors, usually using some consultant that says it has to be however many millions of dollars to be in line with other CEOs at similar companies. But it turns out most of the board is usually current or former CEOs or other c-level people from other companies. So then you end up with a carousel of CEOs sitting on each others BoDs, justifying each others massive pay packages and no real ability to question it by shareholders because the board is ‘independent’ and they used some stupid consulting firm (that is probably run by people that sit on even more BoDs). It’s a great scam if you can get on that level.

Come on. You know CEOs salaries aren’t meant as as “fair” compensation for their work. It’s purely a reward mechanism and a means of elevating their status i.e. the “prestige” of the position. It’s meant to create class separation from people of “lower” positions.

But if they pay a reasonable wage they might accidentally end up with someone who has morals and ethics

That gunned down in the street like a dog phrase was unnecessary lol ๐Ÿ˜‚

Of course they don’t, they are just made that themselves. Duh.ย 

CEO’s are pretty much interchangeable figureheads who are vastly overpaid

This hypotheses has been floating around for awhile. It has now been proven though.

Don’t they realize they could use that salary savings for stock buyback?

the stock went up after he was shot. so who is playing 4D chess?

My unpopular(?) opinion: An expensive employee shouldn’t cost no more than 2.5x the living wage of a burger flipper, after income and benefits are taken into account.

People should lead because they like the job and are capable, not because the sheer wealth can isolate them from the concerns of the typical human.

We could always decrease the supply and increase the demand for CEOs. That would make the wages more fair ๐Ÿ˜‚

we need to do is the black sacrament.

Always reading stuff like “if that worker doesn’t come in Our Business loses so much money I don’t care if there are 50ft snow or a Tornado outside you come to work and stay there until I allow you to leave!!!” In this sub but a CEO really isn’t missed anywhere it seems

Hope the board members are okay.

Holy shit this is a very impactful post lol kudos to whoever posted this idea.

I just started a new job, which so far is fine, but the millionaire in charge put in the employee handbook that โ€œwe have right to terminate your employment at any time without notice, and you have the right to quit without noticeโ€. Lol. K. Well I guess if you fire me I now have a pretty solid excuse to collect unemployment?

I wonder if they had their own life insurance policy on him and if they did would that show up on the quarterly earnings?

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