Certified pedophile

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Imagine not being disgusted by his behavior

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yeah… I could’ve told y’all this dude touched children off rip

Not all republicans are weirdos but all weirdos are republicans

I really can’t even voice how disappointed I am in humanity, I’ve kinda reached my limit with politics where evil is so accepted and supported its best if I just distance myself from it altogether for my mental health.

That’s where I am at, at this point.

Wop wop wop wop wop

In a SHOCKING turn of events, conservatives are still standing by Gaetz after the house ethics committee’s report was released.



“I bet when you go to sleep you don’t have dreams, you have movies.”

Gaetz took the DiCaprio dating strategy too far!
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2024 is strange af and still ain’t over!

Has anyone ever seen Matt Gaetz and Beavis in the same room at the same time?

“Aye Gaetz I heard you like em

he looks like AI wtf

Yup fuck that, fuck YOU, and fuck the pedo-king Matt Gaetz.

Basically fuck all y’all.

I have never seen a more jimmy neutron looking man


He reminds me of someone

His face looks like a mask from The Purge

His face looks like a stereotypical politician mask used to rob a bank.

Grace, he’s looking for a prom date, not a partner.

His face is terrifying. Imagine waking up from a nightmare, turning around in the bed, and seeing that mug?

Genuinely who is fooled by the party of “kill all of the pedophiles” defending a pedophile the second they find one in government?

He’s hoping she has a daughter he can date.


Who is shocked? These fools will stand up for literal shit in a toilet if dustyasstrump endorses it.


Footage of Gaetz talking to Grace Chong after this pic was taken.

ok with Shameik showing his ass and the continued vile Gaetz shit this is not a great year for nineheads. Come the fuck on, people. With a forehead this big folks are gonna be getting the wrong damn ideas about me.

…they still gonna deport you girl.

If you are in your 30s, how are even close to 18 year olds. They look like kids!

Why does he look like a mannequin?

That man has a negative upper lip.

It’s crazy how much he resembles a mash-up of Beavis & Butt-Head.



Asian bootlickers are the funniest to me. They call you a disease and you still support them. They also don’t know the difference between a Viet or Chinese. Everyone with slanted eyes falls under one category

She’s got lil ass dolphin teeth if they procreated their spawn might have regular sized ones

He has the creepiest face

Tell Me What Company You Keep, and I Will Tell You What You Are

I genuinely think right wingers are starting to think this is mostly acceptable behavior and blow it off as a liberal nothing burger.

He looks SO creepy

When your life motto literally is Old Enough To Pee Is Old Enough For Me

Wait. That’s actually him? Not a guy wearing a caricature mask? There is more plastic in that face than a pornstars tits

I dont trust people who can frown and smile at the same time

WTF 😳 is she?

*they not like us*

I am so disgusted by this man

He smiles like he has no upper lip


He looks like a cartoon version of Jack Nicholson.

Tried to strike a chord and it’s prolly A minorrrrr.

Dude looks like the villain from Wishmaster, but when you order him from wish.com

Megamind 2 is a bit of a departure

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