Check mate

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Plus, he WANTS to be King, but the best he can hope for is to be the Queen to Putin/Elon…


Made me laugh 😆, and the Most Reverend Bishops speech was amazing.


Holy shit…. that is funny!!


This explain’s Trump’s move to the right. As a pawn be can only move left or right when eliminating opponents. Apparently every time this happened he moved to the right, and with no opponents there he’s stuck.

What we need to do is let him reach the end of the board and become a queen. Once he becomes so gloriously fabulous he won’t be stuck on the far right anymore and will be free to engage with all sections of the board.

So we just need the Russians to allow Trump to become a queen.

I usually look like Trump after doing coke for 3 days

One square at a time. One giant Red Square at a time.

Good cross post material for the PoliticalHumor subreddit, @OP


Sick chess burn! 🔥

I love this!

He only needs look/feel like the king, where he can play king and get paid while the real power pull the strings

So good til I thought about pawns moving two spaces to start lol

I’m blocking this sub because I don’t want to support Musk.

BS, Trump doesn’t know shit about chess. He’s more of a Connect 4 kind of guy.

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