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Kristi yamaguccimane is an all time user name

Am I missing some subtext or something? To me it just looks like he’s complaining the actor doesn’t look at all like the character she’s supposed to be playing. 

Edit: I don’t think it’s reasonable to say an actor has to look exactly like the fictional character they’re meant to portray or even that the complaint is reasonable, I just don’t see anything in the tweet that in any way implies he wants her sexually. According to this comment’s replies he made statements to that effect in the thread or elsewhere on his Twitter, and if that’s the case
A) Yeah he’s a fucking weirdo
B) I’m annoyed at OP for not including those

To be fair… different headshape, different hair style, different hair color, different eye color; they don’t really look similar. And there was nothing about ‘hotness’ in the original post. So I’m confused why we’re immediately jumping to sexualizing a character?

Im a chick who felt she was miscast. Not just because of her looks but the vibe she gave the role.

What about the original post was sexual in nature?

I honestly don’t see how this is murder by words, it’s an attempt to just smear someone as a creep for their opinion that the casted girl looks nothing like the video game girl. Now, I’m not saying the person isn’t a creep but you cannot say so based on their post here because Bella Ramsay indeed looks nothing like the Ellie from the video game.

“I don’t like who they chose to play this character”

“Ermmm you’re literally a pedophile”

*laugh track plays, upvotes start rolling in*

She’s an amazing actress

Totally right, Bella looks nothing like Elle. Also, Bella is 21 years old.

Or maybe it’s because they look nothing alike.

The one replying is the only one talking about hotness

I’m confused, why is wanting accurate casting for a movie based on a game you’ve loved for years bad?😂 making this into a sexual thing is much more weird than thinking accurate casting is important

Well, they look nothing like. Original poster didn’t say anything about them needing to be good looking. It was only the second poster whose thoughts went to the attractiveness of the teen.

Roles actually reversed here. The jokester seems like a PDF. Jumping the broom and thinking someone is sexualizing children… meanwhile there’s no actual context of it in original post. Which means the assumer is the real person sexualizing children.

Self protection 101. Also, context matters.

If anything Kristi is the one sexualizing a game character though?

Who said anything about being HOT?

I thought she did an amazing job

This is a ridiculous burn. Whether you like or dislike the casting, the comment had nothing sexualizing about it.

It’s not that they think she’s attractive lol it’s the fact she doesn’t look like Ellie or even act like Ellie. She said she would make her “own role” I think you’re getting a different impression than what they mean lol

The only one implying Ellie is hot is the one who thinks they got a “good comeback.” The actress looks nothing like the character, it’s just a fact

“Good casting = looks the same” is so stupid and it’s so funny how many people genuinely think it. Like it can be a part of good casting, sure, but everyone who watched GoT knows exactly why Bella Ramsey was cast as Ellie and it’s a great choice.

One on the right looks Zuckerbergish

Well we can at least agree that the actor doesn’t look like the character they’re portraying

It’s bullshit they cast the perfect actress for Ellie as Abby, when Dever doesn’t work for Abby, namely due to her build. Abby is supposed to be physically imposing, Dever is the opposite of that.

That said, the amount of sexualization of Ellie from that community is gross.

Ellie casting was a whiff, though most of the choices were, except Tommy and Marlene.

This guy insulted a good actress so imma call him a pedophile. Burn.


“I don’t like this casting”

Well clearly, you’re a pedophile.

Touch grass yall. Bella does a great job in the role, but op was correct she looks nothing like Ellie.

Stay mad. I’m sure everyone on reddit represents how the world at large feels. And people say conservatives live in an echo chamber.

Feel like I’m missing something because he didn’t mention her being hot or not just that it was a miscast those are different things.

She literally looks nothing like her. Her acting was great but she does not look like a good fit for Ellie. The girl from the latest alien movie would be a much better casting choice tbh.

It wasn’t that she wasn’t hot, that’s fucking weird. It’s that she looks nothing like the original material lol

I’m sorry but this had absolutely nothing to do with sex appeal. I am annoyed too when characters are nothing like the book versions, some times even causing hilariously unexpected results.
A clear example that comes to mind was making Zeus in the last PJO adaptation (which is miles better than the movies anyways) a black man. This wouldn’t be much of an issue, if it wasn’t because Zeus is canonically a Nazi in said universe. They made Zeus a black Nazi… make it make sense.

I totally agree with that they could’ve found someone better. That being said, I DON’T think that wanting them to find someone closer to the source material suggests anything else.

Not buying this. I’ve never played the game for more than a few hours, but I do agree the actor doesn’t really resemble the game character in any way and that does create a bit of a disconnect with the source material.

However I love the show. Albeit I’m not so sold on her.

Can I just say I think it was bad casting too, and it has nothing to do with being ‘hot’ ffs. The actress just doesn’t look like the character….. That’s it. She’s a great actress, and did a great job on the show, I just wish she looked more like the character.

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