Chestnuts apparently can literally explode in your oven. This is the result of 1 chestnut

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Yes! This is why you have to cut a cross into them on the bottom

Piercing the chestnut’s skin before roasting allows steam to escape and helps avoid chestnut bombs. Your poor oven!!

The song literally says on an open fire, not in an oven! Come on! Santa is WATCHING!

Quite the odd number of chestnuts to put in the oven, I’m guessing you were feeling a bit short of peckish.

Busting a nut in the oven..? To each their own, I guess.

I wonder if there’s a design out there for chestnut-based grenades

The cleaning is definitely going to be a pain in the nuts

“Chestnuts roasting on an op….” *BOOM*


🎶chestnuts exploding on an open fire 🎶

Chestnuts can explode in your mouth too. While a student we tried to road Chestnuts on the gas fire. A couple of them popped and split but one that had been there for ages refused to open so this idiot put it between her canines and bit hard down to open it. Instant lesson in expanding gas, shrapnel and pain.

I’ve learned the hard way too! Cutting a cross on the bottom makes all the difference.


Op eating those chestnuts if they didnt explode in the oven

Why were you roasting only **one** chestnut?

Seems like you really stretched out your protein though- maybe try for some kinda spread, ChestNutella?

Reminds me of that one lesser-known Christmas classic,

“Chestnuts bursting in an enclosed space…”

🎶Chestnuuuts exploding on an open fire🎶

Reminds me of the first time I also busted a nut.

Thats NUTS!

Chestnuts roasting on an open fire….BANG!

Chestnut’s exploding on an open fire, Jack Frost punching at your nose….

That’s why you have to roast them on an open fire with Jack Frost nipping at your nose.

This looks like the aftermath of monsters’ head in an 80s B-movie

Pretty cruel putting Chet’s nuts in the oven!!

This entire thread shows me we have forgotten the old ways

I don’t think I’ve ever seen a chestnut.

You have to cut an X in them. I found this out the hard way as well in my toaster oven

chestnuts roasting on an open fire
romantic Christmas evening ruined as you’re picking shards out of your eyes.

Chestnuts now banned on all aircraft.

Thats why you need to make a cut on the shell.

This is why you roast them on an open fire

This is why you use an Open fire, like the song states lol

First time we threw them in the fireplace we had a similar fate. Still have scorch marks. At least it was entertaining?

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