Child in the 1980s with a rattail haircut, a popular look for a brief period in the mid-80s.

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Rattails were still around as late as 92 by my recollection

Oh yeah, I had a rat tail in 1990. My mom cut it off and kept it in a zip lock bag.. Still has it…don’t know

I am a family lawyer. These are really useful for hair drug tests.

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You want a *real* rattail haircut? Here it is.

Come to Australia and new Zealand. They’re alive and well

We still go these out in Appalachia. Feel free to come on and join us.

Yeah, 94 or 95 my father and I rocked the rattail. Im just glad I was only 4 or 5 lol


“Brief period in the 80s.” Oh boy. Somebody didn’t grow up in Czech Republic in early 2000s…

I had one!!

New Zealand 2025 would like a word


I was rocking that at 6 years old in 2008

I mean it’s basically argentinian fashion today

I had one I’m elementary school lol so terrible 

Been there, done that

They had those in the 1780s too that’s crazy

Taylor Hanson had the most epic rat tail ever.
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You can still see some in Germany

I had a rat tail at 6 yrs old in 1991. Mg mom
Thought it was hilarious to let me make my own ridiculous fashion choices.

These were *extremely* popular in the 80’s and early to mid 90’s in the South. Every single male friend I had as a kid had one of these.

I’ve never seen a rat tail or a mullet look anything other than trashy in my entire life and I’ve seen many of them. I do not understand why anyone would do that, especially now.

I grew up in the 90s and remember lots of boys having them.. I lived in the south, so maybe that’s why. It’s sort of like a baby mullet.

A sure sign of a loose cannon in my day.

Is that me?

Both brothers had them

You still see them here in the south. It’s VERY rare but in the backwoods you never know what hairstyles you’ll find.

And early 90s, and it just evolved into the hockey mullet

Nothing brief about a rat tail. I have one still.

I saw this a lot growing up and hated every kid that got one. Not b/c they got one but b/c the ones that did where fucking idiots

Lol I had one in 96. My grandpa cut it off while I was asleep.

I hated this haircut! Just looks so bad to me

I rocked one of these in the early eighties. I twirled it constantly and it became a shiny corkscrew. A little old lady in an elevator once threatened to cut it off.

The mini mullet

I got asked to cut mine off by the teacher in junior school

My kid has a sick rat tail currently

In the 1990s too; briefly.

Wait, so rat tails are out?

Guilty as charged… around 1983

Here in Australia rat tails are still huuuuuuuge mate

Should we bring it back? I mean, it’s better than mullets 😄

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