Children’s Hospital Of Los Angeles’ Best Therapy Dog Ever – My Mom’s Dog Bonner

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I read his name a little differently at first.

It’s funny when little dogs have “big dog energy” and big dogs have “still a lapdog energy” and then you have Newfies, who know they are big and that if they don’t want to move, they ain’t moving.

Used to work with a nurse who had a Newfie that would sort of lay down in the middle of the sidewalk and the neighbourhood kids would play with him. Then, when eh had enough, he’d stand up, shake drool everywhere, and head home.

Look at that Newfie!!!  Big ol ham!  They are the most loving dogs.  Not a mean bone in a Newfie body. 💙🩷🐾🫶🏽

He seems like a gentle giant who thrives off of this activity

I wish to cuddle the beast

Why you gotta go and give a good boy like that a name that bad. He is awesome though

Your mom has a huge Bonner


Your mom’s dog’s what?

What a good floofy chonk

I adore this breed. Lost our Newfie 7 years ago, I still miss her every single day.

I work at Children’s Hospital Los Angeles! I hope I’ll run into this cutie one day!!!!

Newfoundland are amazing… Gentle giants 🙂 i have one aswel and she is the best

That’s not a dog, that’s a rolled up shag rug! I love Bonner so much!!!!!!!!!

Shaquille O’Neil if he turned into a dog 🥰

I like to think I am a decent person, but I would 100% be pushing these sick kids out of the way to visit him

I read that as “my Mom’s dog boner.” Not “My mom’s dog, Bonner.”

I love animals but when I was a teenager I once woke up to some noises, opened my dog, and saw a dog like that in the hallway. He looked back at me and… didn’t even bark, just kind of said “bau” once. Big Dog Energy, like he didn’t even bother being loud and barky because… What for, he didn’t need it. Scared the shit out of me and I locked myself back in my room.

Turned out my mom had invited some random lady and her dog to spend the night. I met the dog the next morning and he was a big sweetheart.

As a fun fact, in my language they are called Terranova, which means “New Land” but in Latin.

Amazing dogs, slobbery as fuck though, as a kid we had a neighbour a few doors down that had one called Rosco, he would come down everyday and visit for cuddles, he couldn’t move too fast and was quite clumsy, absolute unit that would slobber everywhere, loved that dog.

A Floofoundland 🥰

I see dog, I upvote dog.

Looks like little dude is giving him a buzz lol

that is not a dog that is a black bear

Awe what a sweet boy! My daughter spent a lot of time in a children’s Hospital and she would light up so much every time they brought in the therapy animals!

Now that is the kind of therapy I love!

what breed of dog is that?

Canus equus

I love Newfoundlands they’re basically larger hairier Labradors what’s Not to Love

Bonner is a dream dog!!!!! Newfies are the best.🥰🥰

OP is a bot

The French word bonnaire is a shortened form of the word debonnaire and means “gentle” or “courteous”. The name Bonner is derived from bonnaire and is a masculine name that means ” GENTLE ” or “COURTEROUS” . 

I think I can safely speak for most people when I say… We need more pics of Bonner!

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