Chilling map reveals where 75% of US population could perish in event of a nuclear attack.

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Why the fuck are they coming for me in Grand Rapids, Michigan?

Awesome! I’m in an infrastructure target city. I’ll be headed downtown to try catching the bomb in my hands because I don’t want to struggle and fight for limited/tainted resources in a post apocalyptic hellscape. Just take my ass out.

What if… The Russians made this map and posted it, knowing everyone would correct it for them? /s

Sorry maine, you’re beautiful, but irrelevant

lol. Hereโ€™s a Russian population density map.
comment image?width=1200&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f67db3a1a434470221ccbf89533e62e4c1b2e052

I mean, Iโ€™d rather be at the center of the attack. Living after that is going to be rough.

Itโ€™s givingโ€ฆ โ€œmove to Maineโ€ vibes

Time to read โ€˜The Roadโ€™ again. Need cheering up.

BAFB in Bossier City, LA is missing as a military target. The largest SAC bomber base in the world is not a target? Map is shite

Hereโ€™s a high number of people who honestly think that life will go on as normal in the areas that donโ€™t get hit.

If you’re looking to survive the end, the answer is Australia. The southern hemisphere doesn’t have any major military targets and weather patterns weirdly don’t cross the equator. It will take a few years for the radiation to spread south. So hopefully you’re using your time in the Outback to build a ship to Mars.

After a nuclear attack I hope to be dead. Not dying slowly due to fallout and cancer.

Damn, just thinking about how this will effect the shareholders of multinational corporations sickens me

I get it…. but it don’t matter. If the US is hit. The retalion will be mutual annihilation, all will perish, as all their nukes will be blasted at precoordinated targets. All aircraft carrying weapons will be directed to payload drop targets as well. We keep so many aircraft flying 24/7 for this reason alone. Should we be attacked. All mobile vehicles are set to attack. So there is very little chance any of us will survive. Because once one let’s off so many nukes. The other countries around the globe will follow suit in retaliation. This is what keeps any of us from using them. To use one could start a chain effect that would only end with no way for sustainable human life to move forward. Mutual annihilation. Just smile and don’t worry…we smile not cause we are happy to die, but cause you and everyone else is coming too! Is a birthday party and everyone is invited. No if’s, when’s, and buts.

*Checks map*

Oh good, was worried I wouldn’t be in the blast radius

Safe as hell since the map is totally incorrect

More like 90-95% since there would be no food distribution, electricity, or heating.ย 
People would be feeding off each other in a matter of weeks.ย 

I’m solidly in a white zone. Finally, some news that’s not depressing for a change……

Look, I’m just trying to live day to day. An asteroid we don’t see could blow us all up. A gamma ray burst could eliminate our entire solar system of all current and future life. Some dumb twat could drop *another* set of nukes by accident on my state (thanks, US government).

If it happens, it happens. I’ll die at some point, and I’ve got more mundane matters to spend my energy on, like my basic right to exist as a trans person (thanks, US government).

And the other 25 % would wish they were dead.

Just let me get vaporized. I donโ€™t want to fuck with any kind of a total collapse but an all out nuclear attack would be the worst.

You really want to have fun? mess with this. [](

Why they hittin so hard in Wyoming and North Dakota and such???

Welp Iโ€™m dead lol

Itโ€™s also where the highest population centers are located, so it makes strategic sense.

This is just a map of population centers and key military basesโ€ฆ

If there every was a nuclear attack on the continental US it would most likely result in the end of the world. Would rather go out in the initial blaze than survive to live in the wasteland of a nuclear winter

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