Chris Espinosa is currently the longest-serving employee at Apple. He joined in 1976 at the age of 14, writing BASIC code while the company was still based in Steve Jobs’ garage.

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Woz is technically still employed, his employee number is #1.

Dude must be a billionaire.

How big was this garage that they had name tags

Steve Jobs’ PARENTS garage.

I’ve met him. Really smart and down to Earth.

Reminds me of an episdoe of “Parks and Recreation”.

Either Apple doesn’t offer stock options to employees, so he had to keep working to make a living, or he stayed for the work satisfaction.

Great guy. Doing meaningful work in different roles over time. Why deal with applying/working anywhere else?

Oh, now I see why there’s a “bite” out of the apple

A really really rare case of when not changing your job every 2 years is profitable.

Everyone s dunking cause he apparently gets job satisfaction out of it… something that used to be important…

So he’s the actual creator good to know

I wonder what his current role is and how much in stock he has?!

That tag is 51 days older than me.

He’s seen pretty much everything then.

Honestly for someone who’s been 50 years at a company that’s grown as much as Apple has, I’m surprised his net worth is only $50m. Even if he spent his early equity he must have had mad stock options over the years.

My dad retired after 36 years! We have a beautiful wooden clock from his 10 year anniversary, and keychains from most of the ones after that lol

Employed at 14?

I thought this read Applebees at first

Hope he has some stock from back in the day.

I drove by the house Job’s lived in growing up so I could see that garage. Pretty much like the house I grew up in. The garage was cool, but, it’s a garage. I ended up being captivated by wondering which of the bedroom windows he snuck out of while his parents slept, because you KNOW it happened.

Wait TIL i could have joined Apple in its early stages because i could code BASIC ?????


So Apple enjoyed child labour from the beginning.

In a heartbeat

I bet he uses a Samsung phone.

Only 50 millions dollars, play the world tiniest violin.

And he’s “only” worth $50 million. He’d have been better of jumping ahuot and joining Nvidia a few years ago.

they were based in a garage BUT had badges?

seems straneg to me!!!

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