Christian Elon

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I thought he was an atheist?

So this means something is coming out about his connections with Diddy. They always get BORN AGAIN when the sex crimes are about to drop

Oh look, Elon LARPing

This hemmeroid has never touched a bible

Elon is a fraud. He should go back to South Africa – Apartheid loving POS.

Well, to be fair, the upside down cross is actually the symbol of Saint Peter who was hung upside down because he felt that the did not deserve to die the same way as Jesus.

Christianity can’t “perish.” While Christians are called to defend the faith (apologetics), it’s not because the church can actually be destroyed—it can’t. It’s simply because Christians are called to do so. Elon is fear-mongering. Assuming this tweet is real, I can’t check.

In my opinion religion belongs in hystory books there where we live in a civilised place. It served his purpose in times of barbaric times, where people had need to be scared of a god to behave in a proper way. I am of course not religious and civillized. I don’t need a book to tell me the difference between what is good or bad behavior, and have only one profound moral .Dont do to other people what you dont want other people to do to you.

Promises promises.

He is absolutely right. He and Trump are ushering in the end of Christianity, by associating it with their antics.

Christianity perishing would be amazing. However, people standing up for what’s right can only speed that along.

Will religious folks ever stop being vulnerable to being played by charlatans? Or is the religious part a dead giveaway?

Is religion perishing supposed to sound like a bad thing?

maybe it deserves it 🤷‍♂️

Matthew 19:24

“Again I tell you, it is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for someone who is rich to enter the kingdom of God.”

This guy is a fucking lunatic.

It really does show how naive the average American Christian is. They buy these influencers and billionaires converting hook, line, and sinker. It’s not hard to see Joe Rogan and Musk are atheists, but Christians are so desperate to have a celebrity on their side.

He meant to say what is FAR RIGHT.

Elon is Jesus and Trump is God to those who wish to be misled.

*Account Restricted*

That’s a symbol of St. Peter’s martyrdom, since he believed he was unworthy to die the same way Jesus died. Then again, I didn’t know. Musk was trying to act Christian now.

I will celebrate the day when all religions become the mythology that they are.
Aesops fables is better at teaching morality and decency than any of the religions and without the genocide and hate that religions are filled with.

good day to look at actions, not words.

Hes saying these things to garner headlines and support from the crazies. The worst thing that we could do to Elon is ignore him…. Let’s start now!

What a moron. Elon, if you’re a Christian, explain how ANYTHING that man does or fails to do can make Christendom disappear?

He’s larping.

He’s whatever will stroke his ego and fill pocket books. His first wife called him a narcissist I do believe. He is gluttonous with power and ego.

As it stands today, Christianity needs to perish.

Wait till this guy gets to the part about false idols

We already tried a society ran by rich Christians. It was called the Dark Ages for a reason.

The guy doesn’t believe in anything. He literally just says whatever will get him what he wants at that particular time.

He’s not too bright.

Ah the cross of Saint Peter, held as some weird demon symbol but it’s actually the symbol of the person who started the church after Jesus died. Simon Peter, regarded edgelord shit.

So much wrong with his statement

> *Matthew 19:24*: 

> “And again I say unto you, It is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle, than for a rich man to enter into the kingdom of God.”

Miraculously “became” a christian when he entered the political ecosystem. What do ya know, same as Trump.

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