Christmas 1983. My grandmother gives me the Atari 2600

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What a cool Granny, my grandparents would never touch a gamepad.
Your grandmother was open for the future, thats rarely for older people.

She’s taking you to the cleaners.

Stack of cash on the table.

Reminds me when my wife and I had a Wii when they first came out and my grandma whipped us in bowling.

I got the same thing from my grandma probably around the same year. She even looks like my grandma. Born in 76. You?

I miss my grandmother so much. All her gifts, and her cooking, and the love she gave. 🖤 The best thing is to have loving grandparents ❤️

Ahh so you schedule your colonoscopy yet? I’m due soon.

Is that a terry cloth suit?

And next thing you knew,she beat you at Pong fair and square

Grammas should live forever ♥️

What a wonderful memory. Your grandmother was a cool lady!

Slap your paper route money down on the table, son! We’re playing Asteroids and it’s for keeps!

My grandma had one of these sitting around when I was a kid in the 80’s. They frequented auctions weekly, so I assume they got it for the kids who visited for holidays.

Growing up my family was super poor. As such, the thought of owning an Atari 2800 was inconceivable to me. Then one random day, not Christmas or anything special, it was like a Tuesday or something, I come home from school to find that my uncle just showed up out of nowhere and decided to gift me one. I barely even knew the guy. We never really saw him.
It blew my mind. I was so excited I couldn’t stop crying for like an hour. Looks like I was right about the age that you were in this photo.
Super awesome memory.

Feel like she’s enjoying it more! So great

I was a Commodore guy..

You look alike!

**Grandma**: [ *buys grandson the hottest new video game system* ]

**Also Grandma**: [ *totally owns grandson at* Tanks ]

Your grandma looked a lot like mine. Makes me miss her even more.

Have a great Christmas 🎄! 🙂

Now That’s a Got Dammed Grandmother 🎯🎖️

One day I hope to be as cool of a grandparent as she seems to be.

Gradma is lit AF

Christmas 1983. Grandma got herself and Atari 2600. You were just allowed to play it with her.

Stoooopid OSC!!!! Thanks for sharing! 👊🏼🤙🏼

Your grandma was so cool to play Atari with you!

My mother still blames me for ruining the tv with the 2600

Beautiful picture

old but gold !

Change the sofa, lamp & picture, & this pic could’ve been taken at my Grandma’s…

Think I got G.I.Joes that year 🤙

Hopefully she told you some cool story like “Did you know I built tanks during the war?” while repeatedly smoking you at Combat.

Haha dude thats a blast from the past. Like that hair color too.

Oh man, that lady loves you very much! You are lucky to have had such an awesome grandma!

I hope she kicked your ass!!

Same here! Except I think mine was the 7800. I played a game called Xevious until my hands were numb and both the controllers were broken, fun times!

And she plays gameswith you. Legend

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