Christmas is canceled

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Hey wasn’t there this infamous thing called “splitting up slave families by selling their children”?

“The WOKE MOB has CANCELLED me because of my PATRIOTISM! MAGA!”

(i got drunk and broke the living room window)

Notice how there is never such a thing as consequences of their actions it is always some conspiracy

Why, oh why, are they so fond of capitalizing random words in a Sentence?

Honestly, it’s crazy that we’re still fighting for this in 2024. Let people make their own choices! Body autonomy is a basic human right. Keep speaking up, it’s so important! ๐Ÿ™Œ๐Ÿ’–

lol zachary didnโ€™t even hesitate, straight facts. imagine blaming BLM for your family ghosting you

over thanksgiving my uncle came down to visit, we asked him what was new and he said he was upset bc they put a new homeless shelter in his neighborhood and he believes all the homeless people are illegal immigrants that will bring up the crime rate.
ps: he is also a immigrant from poland with only a green card.

I wouldnโ€™t let you come to my house either !โ€ฆ. Donโ€™t bring that energy around me and my family while we are having a good Time !

[As a midwestern conservative…](

You can tell this is several years old, because not even right-wingers are talking about BLM anymore. Theyโ€™re like three boogeymen further down.ย 

I didn’t know being disliked was now called being cancelled. Why do these people demand that others owe them their time and attention? Attention whores is what they are.

Leave your politics at the door. If you canโ€™t do that, stay away.

Not just because racist, but uneducated and moronic beliefs that present a danger to society.

equality or was it something else?

Her family is better than her

You know Iโ€™ve seen a lot of families fight about politics, and itโ€™s always an excuse used to hide deeper issuesย 

I thought the Bureau of Land Management cancelled her family.

this cant be a recent post, is BLM still a boogie man?

Ig not being forced to give people a platform is “canceling”

Christmas was never cancelled, no matter what they say. Jesus was replaced with Santa though. Thatโ€™s just facts.

Why does Maga always have to say the word they’re feeling at the end of every post?

Keep it up Stanley and you will lose new years

There is a growing number of people without any self awareness. sad.

Shifting the blame

You leave that โ€œpatriotโ€ alone. ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚

Imagine treating someone differently because of their skin color makes you somehow not racist.

โ€œParty of personal responsibilityโ€

lol this comeback is as good as when I found out Ricky Gervais was the lead singer of Seona Dancing.

When your family is swinging the clue by four, you might want to take the hint!

Sounds like she’s been voted out of the family to me

I used to say all lives matter too. It was racially motivated. I doubt she says All Lives Matter because the Indian clerk was discriminated against.

Doesnโ€™t seem like she really lost out tbh.

what they say, Christmas matters without you

Saying that only the lives of a certain color matters is idiotic. The lives of all good people from different colors matter.

Here’s a wild guess: she wasn’t invited not because of saying that all lives matter, but because of her dropping her so called “facts” about the BLM movement, which I suppose brought the wrath upon her.

god now theyre all talking like him. mindless cult.

We have a cousin and family we stopped inviting to family dinners childrenโ€™s bdays etc.

The mom and dad of said family would come to all family dinners with a trump maga hat and trump maga themed shirt or quote. They would constantly talk about Alex jones inspired conspiracyโ€™s. And always talked about politics and got super offended when anyone would say anything against whatever they aligned with.

And listen we donโ€™t care who you vote for but making that your entire personality bringing it around kids bringing it around family when we are all just tryna get together have a meal relax spend time together have fun is just exhausting and annoying.

Weirdest part about all of this is said family is Muslim said family is green card holders currently said family is the exact type that the maga crowd wants to launch out of America

Isn’t the BLM _official_ charity movement dead? Thanks to internal embezzlement, mansions and nepotism?

Also didn’t understand how BLM cancelled her family. Like, her family cancelled her, not BLM.

Saying “all lives matter ” is racist; Confirmed

Yes, it demonises an enemy and distracts you that you are being taxed more.

No lives matter

Whats really sad is after finding out about this her first thought was โ€œI should post this on twitterโ€

Canceling families ๐Ÿคฃ๐Ÿคฃ

And she blames BLM for her behavior.

I thought we were done with cancel culture. Like come on give it a rest now

Unfortunately, these people are now the majority in the US.

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