Christmas Play – Gator Days (OC)

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It doesn’t say *how* you light the street lamps. Maybe Gus will get a flamethrower

It was a night in December and the streets were on fire

You get to set many small fires along the street! Its all in how you phrase things Gus.

I knew the cast list was squiggly lines not meant to be read and I still found myself zooming in on it.

There are no small parts, Gus! 😁

Let’s hope he doesn’t accidentally burns the stage down 😅

My favorite part of these comics(other than the comics themselves) is seeing OP’s comic comment replies. Huh… I guess I just really like OP’s comics in general!


At least he’s not Tree Number 5.

Embrace your inner dragon, breathe fire!

## Super Street Lighter 2 

### Round One – Light!

I feel like ember would still light the streets on fire

Light the lamp, not the rat!

Gus yearns for destruction and mayhem, i can relate. He’s so cute!

Arsonist dreams destroyed

He’s like five steps away from getting discovered and it’s straight to Broadway.

I must know the roles Hannah and Olivia got

I really wanted to think of a good way to bring *Streets of Fire* into this conversation, but I’m getting nowhere fast.

comment image

reminds me of the “my dad is a ~~lawyer~~ liar”

Dream big, kid. Today it’s streetlamps, tomorrow it’s *actual* fire.

Gus does not hear the “don’t” in: I don’t want to set the world on fire.

His unbridled joy in the first panel is so wholesome, let the boy cook those streets.

My niece (the capybara lover) was cast in a Christmas play, she came home so excited because she had a solo singing part. She had to stay after school to practice for 2 hours last week. The whole family (3 generations, 11 people) will attend her performance today.

Only last night, we found out, when my sister asked her to performed her solo, that she’ll step up, sing “Please!” and rejoin the chorus.

This comic came just in time.

I just thought the Christmas play will be a street dance

A school play? Will the parents just use their phones, or is one of them a film buff and knows that proper video cameras have superior quality?

These strips are insta dopamine. Love each one 🙂

A better role than the street lamp lighter awaker awaker.

“Arson. My son is into arson. Where did I go wrong? I thought he’d at least make it to cyber crime.”

Best dad has best apron.

But he’s looking forward to dressing up like a superhero and duking it out with Billy Butcher.

It aint christmas without a lil bit of arson

Maybe he’s playing the baker at Pudding Lane? I hear he set a lot of streets on fire in 1666…

I thought he was playing a street lamp 😭😭😭

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