Christmas Play – Gator Days (OC)

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Aww! No actual fire! ☹️

…you know, that’s probably for the best! 😆

Hooray for Gustopher in the Christmas play! 🥰

Poor dad having to sit next to that bird, though.

Who does Liam play? I feel he’d be a great ghost of Christmas Future haha

Nailed the scene without setting anything on fire or knocking over the set pieces!

Reminds me of when I did Stage Crew back in school, my dad showed up to the play and cheered every time we changed the set.

He even took a picture of the dark stage and said “look how good my son is,” and when people pointed out that you couldn’t see me he said “exactly,”.

Friggin love my dad.

Reminds me of being in the theatre club and only getting all the extra roles. Did this scene need 5 background characters? I was background character 3. Parents still came to watch

Damn, this is such a cute comic. Makes me think maybe I would have kids one day myself

Dad: I’m so proud of him.

Me: But he barely did anything.

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A very proud papa he be.

Best Dad keeps winning.

Nothing scarier than trying to act like a normal human being when 500 people are staring at you lol

Wholesomeness appreciated!


I have questions about how a duck wears earrings. Special feather clip-ons?

God…my primary school every final year had to do a end of year play. Yours truly had one of the 2 main roles, playing the younger brother to a older sister….except I was way taller then the girl who played my sister so most of the play I had to be on my knees when standing still.

Worse part? I, of all the kids, was the only one to sing a song…solo. on stage. Alone. Infront of random parents. Threw up half way through.

Old grumpy Hannah is my new favorite Hannah

This is giving me flashbacks when I played Scrooge on the school play back in junior high. It did not end well.

He’s much more talented than me. My part was to just yell “No room at the Inn” as loud as i cloud and slam the door.

Love the thought of his dad being by far the loudest when cheering

God I love this comic. The only other thing that fills my wholesomeness battery as much as this is Bob’s Burgers lol.

Im proud of you too Dad, you supported him even if its an easy scene.


Best holiday lamplighter around!

Gustopher, the very best arsonist.

Lighting a fire in his dad’s heart while he’s at it.

Congrats to the little guy.

And the Tony award winner for best child actor in a supporting role is…

Love this! Makes me happy. :>

He did it! They grow up so fast!

Adorable! 🥰

He knows better than to try to ad lib

Light the lamp not the rat!

These comics bring so much joy into my life I can’t put into words how attached I am to these gators

Where was the dad in 95?

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