Claim denied

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Back to you UHC

Fuck…… well said



Justice systems exists to keep peace through rules and their enforcement. When the immediate reaction to those rules being broken is the people celebrating, the system has clearly failed the people.

This comment applies even when the people are in the wrong, doesn’t matter, the system still wouldn’t be on the side of the people.

I refuse to ever find joy in the death of someone because I believe in the sanctity of life… although you can argue that there are some scenarios where people deserve it (murder, rape, etc.) I never am glad by someone’s death

No, I’m celebrating an assassination, I’ve been waiting for you Americans to do something.

If I love my life where I’m murdered and the general response is “…yeah, I get it.”, I did not live my life the way I should have.

That’s what decent people do.

But the ones posting out there and being outraged that a murderer is actually looked for? Those are wannabe vigilante assholes celebrating.

This is about as profound as the hot girl who says something shitty about a dorky kid then justifies it with , “ I’m not being mean , I’m just being honest .”






A bad actor got taken out. I don’t see the problem here.

Speak for yourself

I just don’t care about the dude and I hope it makes people think about how they earn a dollar.

How many CEOs left to meet your deductible?


Best thing I’ve ever seen 

I can have more than one feeling.

Oh, I thought I was supporting an act of public service

I think you are the 10000 person to make the “denying claim for sympathy joke”

Why not both?


Fair assessment

mom said it’s my turn to post the “denying a claim” meme

The people claiming to be offended by the “celebration” are not offended. It’s all bad faith BS. They won the 2024 election but somehow want people to think they’re victims of mean liberals. It’s sad.

10/10. No notes.

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