Classic Reddit

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Someone having a different opinion= nazi

Reddit is full of people, some are wonderful, some exude assholery from all four sides, some are actually nice people having a bad day, some others are insufferable narcissists who live so frustrated that they always need to point out the minimal inconsistency, even if there’s none. Welcome to the world, pal. Don’t take it personally.

*made a meme about how people didn’t like your post

Can’t believe you had an opinion.


How dare you dislike It’s a Wonderful Life and Shrek. /s

Why are you hating on the original Ghostbusters movie!! You monster!!

No one’s forcing you to watch bad films coming out. Take the time to find movies you actually like

Post this on /r/Movies and watch the world burn.

Telling me to watch Godfather isn’t helpful, guys…

I mean – even the last few years do have good movies.

Your meme was made in a way that kind of implied that you think all the movies ever/recently are bad because.. it literally didn’t say anywhere that you’re talking about recent movies and it didn’t talk about just an increase either.

But yeah, there’s been fewer good ones coming out, that’s why I’m still watching the classics that I hadn’t gotten to yet.

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