Classified Info Leak!!!

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But, she “doesn’t recall”, so it’s probably fine. FFS.

To be fair, nobody really expects any Trump appointee to be honest.

Sounds a lot like she was threatening the reporter

Every accusation is a confession. Every. Single. Time.

Watch them try to prosecute the reporter

If you can’t recall, you should fucking resign! As you’re mentally unfit to perform your duty.

Sounds like someone knew the reporter was in the chat.

So she’s a traitor.

I’d like to call a vote of no confidence in this administration.

Hey Security Council, the special forces go into Iran on Tuesday of next week for an early morning raid. We need to be totally believable in our denial that it is us. Please let me know you got this on reddit.. I think this here is much more secure than on that Signal app. No reporters appear to be on Reddit.

Thank goodness there wasn’t anything classified in there that they won’t answer about in front of Congress.

Perjury is also against the law and should be treated as such

Actions of someone who does not give a fuck. To MAGA, she will always be one of the “top dems” that crossed the line to join the cause of the righteous. She has a golden ticket to do whatever she wants, try as hard or as little as she wants, disappear political enemies if she wants, peddle top secret info to Putin if she wants, and etc.

We and our country’s secrets, safety, and longevity are of no consequence to her. Read from the script. Always show loyalty. Never waiver. Do these things and you will be rewarded. 

These people are the enemies of everything the USA used to stand for before the culture wars kicked into high gear. Grifters to the nth degree.  

Every. Single. One. 

Wait, but not me. Or Hegseth. We’re ok to do it.

Please remember, this whole administration of geniuses are playing 8-dimensional chess. This is just a smokescreen while they negotiate with the Vesuvian aliens for mineral rights on Toliton and FTL technology (ours for the mineral rights). Tulsi is heading up the negotiation, trying to get us the best deal for the Unobtanium that any planet has ever gotten. She’s considered a rockstar in the Plononium sector. It’s all going to come out some day… probably on The Atlantic.

Can we impeach or recall her? What about anyone who voted “yes” to confirm her?

**Impeach/ recall all “elected officials” who are enabling this administration–REP/DEM both! (if you can)** Remind them who they work for! Protest them daily and hourly at their offices. Make life as difficult and uncomfortable for them as possible. Schedule town meetings and demand they attend, if they don’t, move ahead with a recall process.

We need to resist in ways both large and small. Any of you who come into contact with any of these people in the course of your day, do your best to make it uncomfortable for them. Of course, save your most petty ideas for those higher up the chain. I’m sure you can think of something. **We need to remind everyone associated with this mess that they live in society with the rest of us.**

Shelon, Bozo, Suckerberg and the rest of them need to go. Take back our country from these oligarchs! Tax them into oblivion.

New Chant: “PAY US BACK!” Tesla, Starlink, Space X were all built on the subsidies from the US Taxpayers. Shelon’s the largest welfare queen ever. Also, Amazon and so many more. No more bailouts either! There’s no such thing as too big to fail.

**Everyone needs to demand that any company receiving bailouts, subsidies, or grants pay back any and all $$ before shareholders or leadership bonuses.**

No heads will roll over this. Welcome to the new USA.

I’m telling you. No one is resigning, or being fired, except maybe someone Elon wants gone- after whispering in Trump’s ear. Elon wasn’t in the text group so I’m sure he’s pissed.

So she is writing that she is guilty of leaking classified information on Signal.

Is there truly NO shame, at all, for these weirdos? Like, can’t at least one of them have like, an Ebenezer Scrooge kind of night?

But no Tulsi…it won’t tho.

There’s political lies and then there’s these twats.

What if the classified material is in a bathroom for anyone to read while going poop?

What. A. Hypocrite.


It’s how Pete spends his days

Russian asset, go arrest yourself.

If you can’t recall specifics ofna.military strike you took part in organizing a week before…you are not mentally fit to be in charge of a fucking Hardee’s.

Did you know that Tulsi was:

– Democrat from 2002-2022
– Independent from 2022-2024
– Republican from 2024-

What ?

You know how when a guy is cheating on his wife, he’s always making a big deal about fidelity?

Yeah.. it’s like that here

I loved that in this morning’s hearing she was called out on her bullshit, with one Representative saying, “well if it isn’t classified, then you should have no problem sharing it with us. You can have it both ways!”

She hemmed and hawed.

Isn’t using a publicly available app with servers in the public domain considered a release of classified information?

ooooooo shit she knew someone was in the chat recording and posted that to scare them

So she knew it was classified, she knew/found out there was someone in the chat that wasn’t supposed to be, then she threatened them, basically.

All these people that don’t recall shit shouldn’t be parts of the government most other jobs would fire people that are so *forgetful

I feel like psychologists are going to discover that conservatism is directly linked to a genetic inability to think of a crime without committing it first.

But why did she, The Director of National Intelligence, need to tweet this in the first place. Why are our government officials tweeting basic fucking laws? Who was this tweet even for? No way, an unauthorized release of Classified information is against the law.

They just won the election. Why are they campaigning?

Just in case if you were unsure if she was the ONE person in the administration that was kosher… nope.

So the dipshit who added the reporter to the text thread should be held accountable for releasing classified info and face legal ramifications..since it’s against the law right? Not a fucking chance with the current hack job of an administration. Must have been the left lunatics or fake news media /s

It was a set-up to take down The Atlantic.

Who added the journalist, is my question.

Fuck she’s vile.

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