Clearest image of Uranus ever taken….

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Ahhh again Uranus related post(opens comment section)

I’ve taken closer pictures. 

Might be obvious, but I think it’s worth mentioning that this isn’t the “true” color of Uranus, i.e. what you would see if you were looking at it in person. [This]( is what you would see in person, which was found by researchers at Oxford in January 2024.

Ah yes jaw breaker world

*No Rings!?!*

WTF… I miss the vertical Rings. LoL…

Wait until you check out OF

so pretty ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|heart_eyes)

Wow, I’ve never seen Uranus this clean

Challenge accepted

What chemical compound or effect is creating the green streaks?? Could it be materials in the air tarnished?

I BEG YOUR PARDON!! I mean, beautiful photo.

Comments are NOT disappointing me

I got one clearer. DM me.

Thought it would be brown

Wanna bet?

How come it looks like a gobstopper?

It’s fantastic images of Uranus like this that really lend a sense of wonder to the cosmos. Uranus is subject to winds above 500 miles per hour (900 km!), which must leave the landscape fairly barren. Icy temperatures on Uranus can reach as low as -350F! With rough conditions like this, the surface of Uranus must be a fascinating landscape, offering unique caverns and treacherous adventures for future explorers! Future generations exploring Uranus will have to take caution and use specialized protective gear when surveying the surface and its depths.

Indiana has a chocolate shop called Uranus. When you walk in they greet you with, “ welcome to Uranus”. When you leave, it’s “ thank you for visiting Uranus”. Uranus jokes and chocolate throughout the shop.

Beautiful gas giant

One day I will be mature enough to read such titles and not snicker. But today is not that day.


I feel violated

Crude comments aside, that’s legitimately an astonishing picture

Are those its actual colors?

I’ll never take my pants off again!

I have some even clearer ones but I can’t post them here

I sent you the pic privately for a reason

Now I understanding bleaching….

Me , a grown ass man , still giggling when hearing that word

Humm cleaner than expected 🤣

Seriously wish we’d rename that fucking planet

idk, i got a clearer one that that in my phone…

Really op. Use an NSFW tag next time.

I came here for the comments…

no way. we lose cool looking Neptune and gain cool looking Uranus? i don’t believe it. and where is it’s rings?

Why do you think Uranus gets less attention compared to Jupiter and Saturn, despite being so unique? Imagine standing on a hypothetical floating platform on Uranus

It looks like a marble of cotton candy. It’s also making me think of a scene from Super Troopers. “Move that giant cotton candy!”

I don’t remember it being so white

Glorious as it should be

It was changed in 2066 to Urectum to get rid of that silly joke once and for all

How did you get past my underwear? I’m impressed!

Naw check your DMs I sent a clearer one.

I once took a picture of Myanus.

Hey how did you get that angle

Did Futurama say when it was gonna get changed to “Urectum”?

Here we go

God, I’m sorry but people here should really grow up.
Nothing wrong with having a laugh but this is just not funny.

What is the rotational speed? I get that it is color corrected, but it would appear that the core is producing a varying frequency causing the ice to shift in temperature from pole to pole.

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