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comment image?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4f6c4c40c0a0cd9221e5d627e1f1ae67390ad2ac

Reminds me of this

Wow you guys are so good at explaining stuff can u help me pass my exams


I really expected to hate these guys, but they’re so innocent and wholesome

You went past your amazon delivery portal?

Da Vinki???!

Unironically though I know nothing about the voros twins but NOTHING I’ve heard about how they are in person is bad. They’re apparently just super nice folks.

were cooked chat

Once you ‘get’ their humor and look past the Da Vinki video, these guys are some of the funniest dudes on the internet

There is no way that ratio is real. Only one person liked the original comment? I don’t buy it.

who paint the Mona Lisa

da vinki! haha it never gets old

I can confirm, there are clouds over Budapest

how did you put it in the sink

These dudes are like the good version of the island boys. Saw them wrestle on AEW and they were surprisingly entertaining.

F**k me, Jedward experiencing the 7 Year Rule

These guys look and act like they’re comic relief characters straight from a tv show and I’m all for it lmao

Gen Z, Gen A, please go outside more often…

I saw these guys filming at a park in my city, and ended up taking a piss beside one of them in the bathroom. Pretty random.

comment image?width=1920&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=05fd8999bf3705406f7860fe3dbe0a0a065999b2

these two are the product of a deep, deep wickedness in our society, but i can’t hate them

They should be hung from a Bungie cord, and their hair used as a paint brush to create one of those pendulum paintings.

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