Coffee Break – Gator Days

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Resting Bitch Face Hog is my new fav, I hope they return often.

Whomever this boar lady is, she knows whatā€™s up. Especially with agreeing the office worn sucks and cat videos are good.

You forgot the part where the big boss says that there are no statistics to back up why employees should be in the office so many days, but ā€œit just feels right.ā€

I like this coworker. I too would like to see cat videos

We miss Mewbert too August, we miss him too

That horrible “We are family” sign and “Some % milk, probably” are great! Nice touch

I still canā€™t believe how huge cat videos are even 20 years after I saw my first cat video. I think it was keyboard cat.

I’m here for Ms Warthog. She and August should team up to get an office cat.

My brain automatically used Roz’s voice from Monsters Inc. for the hog lady.

ā€œWellā€¦ I hate everything about it and associated with it, but itā€™s fine, I guess.ā€

I like this new character.

Too bad the people in charge are dumbasses

awww I just wanna hug poor August šŸ„ŗ


I never thought I’d see Nelson from The Simpsons grow up to be a lady warthog but there you go! Another day full of surprises. Love this comic – always strikes true.Ā 

So are cats, like, the one non-sentient species that these animals will keep as pets?

What are the odds that one of the cat videos she shows him is of Mewbert? He does have an online following after all.

100% sucks

Please send the cat video distractions (or dog, or memes, or anything. I’m at work now omg it’s so bad why am I here I could be with my dog at home whyyyyyy)

It’s fine.

Pigā€™s solving problems by looking at cat videos. This is a wellness strategy.

I wonder if August could get away with taking the cat to the office.

Though Gus wouldn’t get to see the kitty when he comes home.

I want her husband to be a bishie pig man who trails sparkles in his wake.

Here’s a band-aid over a bullet wound.

Big fan of the boar design.
This also sums up, the wasted time in the office.

Workers solidarity, I like it.

Best cat gif I have, and it’s seasonal appropriate.

When Gustofer sees these videos. He is going to get some ideas about recreating them.

Touch da fishy

How does Mrs. Boar feel about piano cat?

I want the mug šŸ‘€

I really enjoy your comics, thank you for sharingšŸ¤™

Fuck, me too august

his name is August? neat.

I love your comics, but the tusks growing from the top instead of the bottom is driving me crazy.

For a moment, I thought she pulled out a VHS tape of cat videos

So it’s confirmed cats directly contribute to productivity.

Working from home is superior but I cannot in good conscience try to say Iā€™m anywhere close to as productive at home surrounded by all my favorite distractions and no external motivations not to get distracted by them than I am at the office

Let the gator work from home!

I love the not told out loud “they can go fuck themselfs” energy.

I love being a corporate zombie, I will smile as I drink my some% milk, probably

The poster in the background probably says something like:

we’re family

we work smiling and happy


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