Collarwali the famous tigress who holds record of giving birth to 29 cubs.

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Died at age 16, born in 2005, 29 cubs in 8 litters, 25 cubs survived, first 3 died of pneumonia in 2008, birthed 5 cubs in 2010, she was large enough to scare off other tigers and was sometimes confused for a male by visitors


FYI – She is no more now. But left her bloodline is in good health and present in Indian tiger reserves.

Where’s the other 26?

Was she able to keep them all alive?

Mother of the century

She’s what we in Labour and Delivery like to call a ‘grand dame’. She knows how to mom.

So glad I don’t have access to incel tiger forums.

All at once? Try not to have any more cubs one your way to the parking lot! 

What India has done for tigers is remarkable. It’s because of their huge effort that we can now marvel at a story such as this… I often wish other nations can be more like them when it comes to preserving wild animals. So many species are vulnerable to human activity and close to extinction… so thank you India 🇮🇳!

In a row?

In a row?

This is the best post I’ve seen today.

Mama tank

She fuckin’ gets around boys. With those numbers either she’s either the neighbourhood tramp or a good Irish Catholic girl, with no in between. What a fuckin’ legend.

That’s a big pussy.

When asked about all the tiger D she was getting, she said, “They’re Greeeaaat!”.


Just call her Momma

Many of those cubs likely disappointed the one true… tiger mom

That is a stupidly attractive tiger

at once?

She had a busy life

Where do you think they are ?

I wonder if she understood at some point what caused pregnancy.

Hey, it’s fun making babies!!! What a beautiful girl. Thank you for sharing a picture of this famous Tigress.

Colarwali? Colherbusy!

“My catgina hurts.”


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