Colombian hitwoman known as ‘The Doll’ reportedly arrested for several murders, including her ex-bf

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Final stage Aubrey Plaza?

Shot through the heart

And you’re to blame

Everyone wants a yandere girlfriend until she stabs you in your sleep

Biggest colombian hit-woman since Shakira.

Netflix is going to make a movie or documentary soon

I can fix her!

Based on the comments we now see how Black Widow Spiders manage to keep finding partners after killing the previous ones.

Aubrey Plaza’s new movie character?


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She got that damn look in her.

Entire comment section is finding out why some women simp for murderers now

Hey, can you sulky, sexy and a bit evil for the photoshoot pls?

Definitely a Tarantino character come to life.



I can’t fix her

I just knew people were gonna be simping 💀

comment image?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=eb5e261f62e0ba2bfa407deb115c54347b9ba7b2

State of Neveda

She’s the baaaad guy. Duh.

Each of her victims’ last words: “I can fix her!”

Is she single?

Can’t we give her a list of Fortune 500 CEOs? You know, just to prop up her image a bit and rid the world of some real criminals?

She would have gotten me ngl

This comment section is wild.

A word to the wise- if your ex girlfriend is a notorious hit woman, and you are on bad terms over money, and she suggests you go meet somewhere to resolve said money “issues”, you might want to just want to let that one go. And don’t meet up in the remote location she suggest. Mkay?

the comments here are just… imagine you‘re getting murdered and people love the murderer🤯


Mel C Spice Girl

Las vegas, state of Neveda

Look away brothers, it’s not worth it. You know it’s not.

For all who wants to know her real Name:

Karen Julieth Ojeda Rodriguez

Is there a Groupon special for CEOs?

wtf to make murderers celebrity ?

Wait so at some point between her arrest and the mugshot she had time to change her shorts?

Left image say camera guys on the list.

Death by snu snu

Every guy here would still smash.

Documentary in the making!

Am I the only one seeing Billie Eilish?

I thought for a hot minute she’s Billie Eilish, lol. :3

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