Come on guys. Apple’s been doing it for years. Nintendo does it everyone loses their minds.

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apple is the youngest sibling who gets away with everything

lol who’s s reacting like that to the Switch 2? We were due for a new one

I swear, the new iPhones are just a software update. They add like one new feature and that’s it lol

Nintendo is playing the repair game like Apple.

Controllers broke before, but now that magnet attachment will break and you’ll have to repair the actual unit.
Can’t wait for people to complain that the repairs for the controller attachment tab are just as expensive as buying a new Switch 2. Just like Apple laptops and Phones.

Id argue these arent really comparable though?

Iphone is a yearly thing, this was half a decade in the making, hardly what id call apples to apples (pun not intended)

Idk what people expected them to change. The switch is a good system. They just upgraded the hardware.

Fake outrage

like 10 seconds in nathaniel bandy said that the switch 2 trailer looked like a trailer for an iPhone

Reddit moment

Switch 2 is what everyone wanted lol the Switch is great – just underpowered for current games

Apple does it every year, Nintendo does it every 7 years, you’d think they could at least skip 6 years of tech along the way

I hope the iPhone 17 has actual upgrades 😭

I mean you’ll use a phone multiple times a day where the Switch might not get touched for weeks at a time

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