Come on i can do it

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Remember those 10 kg I wanted to lose at the beginning of the year? 15 more to go

1. Finished a series (money heist)
2 Learned how to make tea and coffee today
3. Reached townhall 13
4. Crashed my moped
5. Watched lots of movies

Finished an anime

Finished another anime

Played videogames

Went outside 3 times

Finished another anime

1. Didn’t die

2. Didn’t kill anyone

3. Touched grass, more than once

4. Didn’t get involved in anyone’s business

5. Didn’t let anyone alter my lifestyle

I went to the dentist for the first time in years. Not because I’m lazy but because it’s my biggest fear.

I stayed alive

Touched grass 5 minutes ago because i wanted to write something.

Nice post xD i wonder how much ppl can relate.

PSA: You have accomplishments you’re all just too hard on yourselves if you can’t think of any. For those who could easily come up with any, you’re a bunch of filthy narcissists.

Finally visited another continent other than Europe or Asia

200 day Reddit streak
Repeat contributor
Banana aficionado
Top 1% commenter

Reach 2025?

I got to quit yet another job

1. Started therapy
2. Got my driver’s license
3. Bought a car
4. Found a new circle of friends
5. Signed up for night school
(to be continued)

1. Talked
2. Walked
3. Ate
4. Drank
5. Slept

WTG! Keep up the good work.

Man I don’t even remember. I’m tired.

Lost 3kg and gained 12 kg

Fixed my anxiety.
Fudged up my brain in other ways.
Went to therapy.
Escaped the matrix.
Left home and started living in an apartment.

Lived through 2024

Didn’t get fired

Continued to learn to cook

Sold my car

Made this list

I lived 360 days

I mean I’m still alive, and that’s not easy

Joined reddit.

1. Finally, I got a school after 1.5 years of being home without school

2. I got hope for life again

3. I got a laptop, finally not being on ps4 anymore

4. I kissed my dog

5. I got a girlfriend

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